General Election 2020 Hub

SINN FÉIN TD Carol Nolan has confirmed that she will not be returning to the party after being suspending for voting against legislation to allow for last month’s referendum on the Eighth Amendment.

Sinn Féin Whip Aengus Ó Snodaigh told Nolan that she had been suspended for a period of three months on 21 March

Nolan was the only one of the party’s 23 TDs to vote against the bill passing.

In a statement today, Nolan said that she feels that “as a pro-life republican woman” that she “no longer has a place in Sinn Féin“.

I feel that it is unethical to force TDs who are strongly opposed to abortion to vote against their conscience.

Every TD in Leinster House is directly responsible for the laws that they enact. If a TD votes for abortion they are responsible for all abortions that happen in this state.

I do not want to have, act or part in bringing about the end to the life of an unborn child, the most vulnerable in our society. It is not for politicians or society in general to decide who lives or dies.

“I cannot and will not support abortion and for that reason, I have made a decision to leave Sinn Féin.”

4th count in Laois/Offaly completed. Still only Stanley over the line. Zach Tuohy’s old man the next to go.

  1. Brian Stanley (Sinn Fein) – 16,654, ELECTED on the 1st Count
  2. Barry Cowen (Fianna Fail) – 9,130 (+211)
  3. Sean Fleming (Fianna Fail) – 9,106 (+916)
  4. Charlie Flanagan (Fine Gael) – 7,791(+116)
  5. Carol Nolan (Independent) – 6,434 (+72)
  6. Marcella Corcoran-Kennedy (Fine Gael) – 4,643 (+49)
  7. Peter Ormond (Fianna Fail) – 4,320 (+183)
  8. Pippa Hackett (Green) – 4,081 (+90)
  9. John Leahy (Independent) – 3,876 (+14)
  10. Ken Smollen (Irish Democratic Party) – 3,274 (+13)
  11. Noel Tuohy (Labour) – 2,806 (+142)
  12. Stephen Tynan (People Before Profit) – 2,273 (+30) - Eliminated
  13. Pauline Flanagan (Fianna Fail) – 1,874 - Eliminated
  14. John Daly (Irish National Party) – 557 – Eliminated
  15. Noel O’Rourke (Renua) – 356 – Eliminated

Bertie coming up on SOR show on Radio 1

Confidence and supply is dead he says. But he says we have been here before and people will work to form a government.

Martin Conway’s FG vote of 2424 next to be distributed. There might be a geographical spill to Garvey across party lines there, she’ll need it.

You’d have to be happy for a man like Brian Stanley, as opposed to these other johnny come lately Sinn Féin candidates.

  • 1991 – failed to win a seat on the old Portlaoise Town Council
  • 1999 – Wins seat on Portlaoise Town Council
  • 2002 – Polls 2,600 first preference votes in his first General Election to finish eighth
  • 2004 – First Sinn Fein candidate to be elected to Laois County Council
  • 2007 – Polls 3,656 votes in General Election and again finishes eighth
  • 2009 – Re-elected to Laois County Council
  • 2011 – Elected to Dail Eireann with 8,032 first preferences taking out Fianna Fail’s John Moloney who had been a TD since 1997. His wife Caroline is co-opted to Laois County Council
  • 2014 – Caroline is re-elected to Laois County Council. Aidan Mullins also wins a seat in Portarlington
  • 2016 – Slightly increases his vote to 8,242 but takes the second seat in Laois ahead of Charlie Flanagan
  • 2019 – Caroline and Aidan Mullins comfortably returned to Laois County Council
  • 2020 – Increases his vote to over 16,000 first preferences and takes the first seat in Laois-Offaly

SF now saying their preference would be a left wing coalition. How come this wasn’t said first? Not possible so do they want to govern right now at all. Do FG, is their opposition to the SF coalition based on principle, or do they see serious trouble down the line they want to swerve. FF are the only party who don’t care longer term just want power now

SF have said their preference is for an alliance of the left. It won’t be possible and they know this they are just preparing the ground Mickey and Mary are the future

This is the dance that must go on. Calleary was at it on Morning Ireland, as was Pascal. But they’d be advised not to fuck about for too long. Houses need building.

Where have you been pal? You missed lots of craic here

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I thought you were going to be good?

Who will lead though, SF might be happy to go in this time as junior but won’t after youd feel, so how long term is it. Is there a similar situation anywhere else in Europe with three main parties none big enough to lead themselves

This is me being good

I just want you to be the man I know you can be.

I wasn’t anywhere? Looks like you had your finger on the pulse, not a clue to vote for or why but sure SF might be worth a lash for some change was the attitude of a huge number of floaters. Mac Williams will be doing podcasts in years on the effect of that storm though. Mark my words.

Did yer man from roscommon that was on that climate debate last week get in?

His race is rum Meehawl knows that the game is up and the FF vultures are circling.
His only hope is to go in with SF and make it work. That wins him a couple of years. He will have to come to some arrangement with Mary Lou to job share as Taoiseach to avoid going down in history as the only FF leader never to hold the position of Taoiseach.

A Nation turns it’s lonely eyes to Mary Lou.
And @maroonandwhite said Boo Hoo Hoo ! :sob::sob::sob:

25% of the vote (maybe 15% of the population?) in a vote where FG were supposed to be decimated. If you’re reduced to emojis and still can’t explain why you voted SF, even now, don’t bother replying to me.

NG made comments that acted in a manner that let a lot of people down. They will never let him forget it, thats also democracy