General Election 2020 Hub

I see Gino Kenny is back from the dead in Dublin mid west, he was interviewed yesterday and was almost conceding.

He needs to stay between 338 and 600 ahead

There’s going to be a right battle between Greens, FF & FG for the last two seats in Wicklow.

Leddin will get more transfers from Byrne (FG) and Jan (Lab) to see him comfortably over the line

Disappointed that @Julio_Geordio isn’t bringing this news to us. He’s already shirking his duties after just one weekend in bed with SF.

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I already told you yesterday the bond spread would kick out, and bank shares would sell off until it’s clear no Government of the left can be formed.

Staggering ineptitude from FG to reduce their seats by 40 at a time when the economy could only but improve. Listening to Paschal this morning he seemed very bitter towards the electorate. FG don’t do self awareness.

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Deering has just over 7,000 votes to distribute. Murnane O’Connor still needs 1.500 to get over the line so she’ll pick up those from fellow Carlow candidate Deering. The Pope needs 3,000 still. That’s a good chunk of Deering votes gone. Deering is practically from Wicklow out in Rathvilly so don’t see too many of those votes making their way down to Bobby who is practically Waterford. Malcolm will be fine.


Would traditional labour voters not still have a thing for Daly or are they pissed off with him for leaving ?

Greens still in with a slim chance here in Louth @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Greens will take the 4th and FG the 5th

AIB and BOI share prices sharp falls this morning.

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Elections are normally about the economy stupid, as they say. Not this one though. This was all about the Micks wanting change.

The Micks want change.

The Soc Dems could have more seats than Labour after this? Morto for @Juhniallio


I would have thought Darcy would do better on transfers from Carthy than Kehoe, but hard to call really. There are 300 of Howlins surplus too onto Carthys 6,000, how many transferable too is the other thing. I’d imagine a fair whack of Carthys will go to Verona, independents seem to be keeping it local. Unless his FF roots help out Byrne and a big shot to Browne, problem being Browne need over 2,000 still to get in so wont be able to give his surplus.

I dont think anyone will get in on count 9, and it will come down to whichever of Kehoe or Darcy gets eliminated then to sort out the last 2 seats. Neither would have favourable transfers to Byrne.

Kehoe has this

Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil should let Sinn Fein at it. They’ll do such a bad job they’d be sorted next time. Difficult to play the waiting game in politics I guess.

I’d say the insurance companies will be checking under their beds for Pearse Doherty every night before they go to sleep


Howlin Brendan on now. 6 to 8 seats for Labour. One woman TD. Male and stale I won’t say says SOR.