General Election 2020 Hub

The misogynists were appalled at the knickers in the Dáil.

“Moral” enough to support Warrington etc.

Where’d that come from? Gas they have SF listed third but predicted with the second most seats. The establishment is reeling.


Looks like James Reilly will be getting the bullet shortly as well. Fucking lovely. That’ll probably push Farrell clear of the pack and leave @Juhniallio’s boy Duncan Smith in a dog fight for the last seat with two independents

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Keep the recovery going

That Georgraphy fella from Maynooth who is passing himself off as an elections expert on RTE the last few days. It’s 3 hours old now so could be off

A downbeat Timmy Dooley all but conceding in Clare on RTE Radio One now.

He is odious and has nothing to sell himself while O’Connell is female smart articulate and principled. The stale old FG misogynists plump for Murphy though. Typical.


Still on the second count in Monaghan and Kerry. There’s lads getting paid by the hour and they are in no rush at all.

Why does it matter that she’s female? She’s also a blow in

Is the fundamental disagreement with SF and Greens over Carbon Tax? You get the sense with the Greens that they’d be naieve enough to sleepwalk into being a junior partner without taking stock of the bigger picture alright.

Why should it matter that parliament be representative of society you mean?

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What time did ye finish up in the Rock? @dodgy_keeper

The father stayed for one and went home then.

It shouldn’t matter whether someone is female or male. It should be equal and whoever is seen as the best candidate

FFS @the_man_himself you’ve gotten him all woked up now


The Senate

He was slating JCM earlier. No misogyny then. Eoghan Murphy has him triggered.

Shocking that Murphy and Harris, the 2 TD’s that caused most of the issues for the previous government get elected.


Ivan Yates, ex FG minister, spoke of how Lisa Chambers may benefit from Saoirse McHugh’s elimination with the ‘female’ vote. Imagine talking about a female vote in this day and age.

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Catherine Byrne hanging on. Still in the mix. 900 votes behind.