General Election 2020 Hub

I see her as a better candidate. I also see female as a plus for the reasons I gave above.

In addition, research shows that the more diversity there is in decision making groups, the better the decisions and outcomes. Be that male/female, class, race, or age. Quite simply more women in parliament/government should be seen as a good thing.

As long as those women are not MMOC.

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Kate O’Connell was a terrible TD, her sex had nothing to do with her being turfed out on her ear. It was because she was a bone idle worker who did nothing for the people in her constituency.

Murphy was hopeless too, before the woke brigade start screaming, so it’s a damning indictment of O’Connell she couldn’t even get in ahead of him.

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Dessie could carry on from all the “heavy lifting” done by Paul Kehoe is revamping the defense forces

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I’m not shocked Harris got elected. If I was in his constituency I would have given him some preference for getting repeal over the line, bringing the middle over to the 12 weeks component.


‘Twas late enough!

Gary Gannon is 447 ahead of Christy Burke in Dublin Central after Joe Costello’s transfer distribution.

2233 transfers of Gillian Brien (PBP) to be distributed now, followed by Mary Fitzpatrick FF’s 4k odd transfers.

I’d say Burke could nick this.

Friday 15th may is the date been given for the next election im hearing



Who as Taoiseach will be meeting President Trump on Saint Patrick’s Day ??


Leo to continue in office until the May election

As would I, plus Slaintecare was adopted on his watch if not at his instigation.


You could well be right .

O’Callaghan calling out Micheal for false promises.

Jayus, he’s seething.


Are we becoming like Israel politically ?

Jaysus Jim O’Callaghan lashing out all over the place.

Jim is in the wrong party.

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There isn’t one I don’t think. If there was it might be a positive. My senior manager in work told canvassers she only votes for women. If women did that more it would probably be a good thing.

Scenes! Darcys vote likely to go across all 4 remaining. This is mental. Kehoe and Darcy could pull off a massive shock

Verona Murphy has take a swathe of transfers from Ger Carthy.

Paul Kehoe will probably pop Malcolm Byrne for the last seat.

I’ve said it before, I think it was the towering achievement of the last administration. I know people claim Leo flipflopped and only got on board at the last minute but when he did , it was decisive. Exactly the right tone and the correct pitch.

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