General Election 2020 Hub

My point stands

If labour weren’t so fucking useless they could and should be where SF are now.

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It must be great to exist in a thought bubble like yerself, all the same. The regressive misogynist agenda you support has been destroyed in this country. Why? Because people have seen what it does.

I always found Kate O’Connell fairly refreshing for FG, called it as she saw it and shot from the hip. None of the fake sincerity and hubris that I would associate with a lot of their other South Dublin based TDs.


Mary Lou McDonald has definitely feminised Sinn Fein’s appeal.


Kerry looks like it will go long into the night. Daly’s surplus being distributed now and should have the numbers in the next few minutes, but that’s unlikely to get anyone over the line. The Green Party one needs big numbers from him if she’s any hope.

It’ll be two HR’s, Brendan Griffin and Daly with one FFer to limp in 5th on distibutions from the other two FFer’s. A misstep to run three here for FF. They’d a quota and a half on first preferences, but will only limp one past the post.

If FF go in with SF - a lot of Jim’s votes will evaporate in Dub Bay South.

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Agreed. I hate FG but she struck me as a decent person. FG HQ backed Murphy. It’s decisions like that that show how out of touch they are, and that’s why they’ve gotten the massive kicking that they did.

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The great thing about democracy is that the people always decide.

I know you’re distraught that O’Connell and Coppinger lost out but take your beating. That’s what the people decided.

They didn’t lose out because they are women. They lost out because they are merely terrible public representatives.

Who said they are terrible? The electorate.

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To be fair it would have been extremely embarrassing for them if Murphy wasn’t re-elected. They had to back him

Yeah he said she was stupid as well. A right piece of work.

Green after leapfrogging FF and FG in Dublin South Central.


I suspect the hardest constituency worker in Dub Bay South was actually Kevin Humphries. I wouldn’t think either FG or Jim or Andrews or Ryan would be known for extensive constituency type work. It is the type of place though where that type of councillor work doesn’t really get you great rewards.

Jaysus how do ye think of em down there :joy::joy::joy:

Michael Ring was the same yesterday. Said the electorate wanted change but when you asked them on the doorstep, they couldn’t tell you what kind of change they wanted.

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I’d say the absolute trouncing they’ve taken is more embarrassing.

Noel Grealish holds his seat.

In actual numbers it’s gone from 1.4 million in 1982 to 1 m FFG voters in 2020. In the same period the number of people voting has gone from 1.7m in 1982 to 2.15m. So a crude analysis would suggest that FFGs voter base is dying off (pretty quickly now) and new voters are taking their votes elsewhere