General Election 2020 Hub

A hobby farmer like @KinvarasPassion


She has taken the West Cork Protestant/Hippy seat

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Thanks to Rebecca Moynihan’s transfers. She should join Sinn Féin - she’s spoken admiringly of MLMD and would be a good running mate for O’Snodaigh.

I wonder if Catherine Ardagh’s transfers will help her FFG namesake Byrne to overhaul either Joan Collins or the Green chap?

I look forward to seeing her on the Sindo glossy mag when I call to my mother’s or have a coffee in Listowel .

Surely the green lad. Greens pick up transfers from everyone, they could pick up the last seat on transfers in a good few places.

They backed him in 2016 too, all Kate’s workers came from outside the constituency but superb vote management got them both home.
HQ (Leo) was always going to back Murphy. He owed him the leadership

James Browne is as safe as houses.

It would be wonderful if FFG failed to win a seat in the constituency. FF had Ardagh as a banker gain after she only missed out by 20 odd votes the last time.

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that is an excellent point
If SF go in with FF i see SF becoming where Labour are now tho and loose 30 seats like Labour did in 2016 post the FG coalition
Mary Lou is well aware of this - power is as poison chalice
SF are a very effective opposition - ML is well aware of this - her policies are unsustainable , the mob is fickle and will turn when she cant deliver

You mean the lads with the inside track.

Very personally validating for me to see four of my five selections elected.

Tipperary is shaping up to be an absolute humdinger. Lowry elected and less than 2,000 votes between 2nd and sixth with Healy’s 7,000 votes to be distributed. They could go anywhere

I’m on course for a match ball in Dublin Bay North myself where I see the Aontu headbanger’s transfers have given anti-choice dinosaur Seán Haughey a timely bump.

The Micks always punish governments.

you couldnt make it up

I think there’s a bit more nuance in this in that Fine Gael are still roughly around or just below their historical level, whereas Fianna Fáil are well below it. There’s a lot of talk about the seismic shift this election represents in Irish politics, but for me that seismic shift is still 2011. Results like this were always going to happen once FF’s base was hammered permanently like it was.


Catherine No one got 8 transfers out of Aontus 1174 votes.


even the brit shills dont get it

Wheres this from? The snowflakes are out in force over this one

Sample comments
This “kissing thing” really needs to be addressed in general. Should be reserved for people who actually like each other and never used at a professional level. Mairead clearly is uncomfortable here.


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    even more so why they should being teaching about consent rather than ignoring it.
    At the end of the day, a hearty handshake would have done. Why did he feel the need to kiss her?! That’s my point. I gaurentee you he won’t kiss Eamon O’Cuiv or Noel Grealish when they get elected…