General Election 2020 Hub

PBP transfers didn’t break for Christy Burke in Dublin Central. Gannon now 481 ahead of him. 4k Fianna Fail transfers to decide the seat.

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You saying he gets everything wrong on purpose?

Dear Lord

Half the TDs don’t even sit . Start watching it ,the chambers are usually empty . The greens are only as strong as a government, sinn fein are a spending party , the green cunts are a tax the ordinary man party .

Looks like FF 40
SF 37
FG 36

Don’t think so. 36 now and possibly 37 for a finish if they come through in Clare.

But it’s been enjoyable, for me at least, to see FFG lose out on some seats in the latter counts last night and continuing today. Likes of Holly Cairns and Gino Kenny to name a couple. Hopefully that continues in the likes of Carlow / Kilkenny.

Gino looking chilled in his interview with Miriam O’Callaghan. My Green transfer helped him overhaul Curran. Gives you a real sense of ownership of democracy when something like that happens.


Not at all. But whatver opinion he has, he’ll be vocal about it. Like Dunphy on soccerball, or Hook on rugby, its nearly more how they say it than what they say.

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He’s not a judge. He’s the County Registrar for County Tipperary.

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What’ll happen if no government is formed by March 17th?

Will Leo still get the trip to the White House as a lame duck stand in Taoiseach?

a very important fact, same applies to that gom honohan: not a judge

There’s a real sleeper story going on in Dublin North West. FF look like losing the last seat to Reddy of Solidarity. Reddy has pulled 436 ahead.

Green Party and Noel Rock transfers to come.

FF could be as low as 38.


there will be somew form of govt in place by then. they all want the paddies day jollies

Gannon will be a far superior addition to the Dail.


cc @dodgy_keeper, the people have spoken.

SF and FF voters on Joe Duffy endorsing a SFF coalition

The people want to be heard and want change.

Very angry FG voter on now - says FF ruined the country and people have short memories and are stupid :joy:

A SF/FG/Green coalition is the most viable option here.

In terms of party leaders that would fall along these lines:

Mary Lou McDonald as Taoiseach
Eamon Ryan as Tánaiste
Paschal Donohoe as Minister of Finance

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FG fudged Tipp spectacularly. Many will say they should only of ran and in reality that would be correct seeing as they returned no one last time out.
But, running 2 candidates within 26km of each was beyond stupid. If you run two then put one in North Tipperary at least where you can challenge Kelly & Hannigan.

That would be the ideal government I think.
It’s been an hilariously bad showing for FF.

Yeah looks that way but with FF. I saw a commentator say having Greens in would suit FF and SF too with an eye on future elections

FG/SF/Greens could be transformative but they would be most likely hammered next time