General Election 2020 Hub

Its some balls up for FG in Wexford and as you said there’ll be war. My understanding is that it was a General Headquarters decision to de-select her that she got a good reception at a party gathering in Enniscorthy shortly after the bye-election.

Its ironic that Verona is a New Ross district candidate, with New Ross traditionally a bit of a disaster zone for Fine Gael historically in the constituency and New Ross struggling generally over the years to get a TD from anywhere. I think Martin Lawlor is still the FG Director of Elections in the constituency and he’s a New Ross man.

I don’t see Alan Kelly attracting many people back to the party though

four years too late. Labour are the socialist party for the over 50’s. Like Kelly or not he is young and changes the image. Going back to Howlin was a link back to the bad old days of the coalitions. A bit like FF they needed to cut the link to the old days off at the head.

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It was reported in local media that she got a standing ovation at a FG meeting in the Riverside Hotel in Enniscorthy from 300 odd people in the week after the bye election, say on a Tuesday, and was booted out by that weekend. When the paper was published on the following Tuesday the standing ovation point was buried within the news on it.

FF would be left with the likes of Jack Chambers then. They’ve got nothing


I think they have a future if they go back to basics and reinvent themselves. Left politics is very popular at the moment and they are the original party in this state on that basis.

Malcom has tweeted a concession that Kehoe will get the last seat. Kehoe is some survivor.

I don’t think there is, they will be canibalised by Sinn Fein before the end of the next decade

What? They approached Joes young lad?

Eamon Gilmore, Burton and Rabbitte killed Labour when they agreed to all those cuts, even in a time of crisis.

If they had stuck to their guns, refused to sign off on cuts to carers etc, pulled the plug and called another election back then they’d have been on the moral high ground and been in a much better place than the sorry spot they are in today.

4 seats. Jesus.

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He’s in the hunt. There are lower order FF and FG candidates to distrbute transfers. That will probably push Breathnach FF safe, and bump O’Dowd FG above Nash, but the FG guy will benefit Fitzpatrick too.

Dearey has gone 130 ahead of Nash. It could be that Breathnach gets seat 3, but Fitzpatrick actually stays ahead of O’Dowd. Then Nash’s transfers will elect Dearey ahead of O’Dowd for the final seat.

So SF 2, FF 1 IND 1, Green 1.

Not when SF take a beating next time around for being in government for the next five years.

It’s inevitable.

At least that gormless bafoon Kevin O’Keeffe FF didn’t get elected in Cork East

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Greens have done very well from transfers today. 10 looked very unlikely yesterday. 12 looks very achievable now.



Frankfurt’s Way or Labour’s Way

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I can see him jumping ship.

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where do you start?

pay, conditions, equipment etc etc. the DF were cut savagely in the recession and look like theyre the only ones who havent gotten back a decent chunk of it.

theyve cut back on weapons duty, with attendant allowance.

a good example is the trump visit to doonbeg: the guards were on double time plus allowances for guarding while the army lads were on the normal rate with just a weapon allowance

but mostly kehoe genuinely doesnt seem to give a shit

It was main news on the Standard publication of the same paper, although the whole reporting of the thing was really poor journalism and not exactly clear what was what. It was over 2 pages if I recall at the time. I had thought from my reading of it that she had already been booted out when she made her speech at the event.