General Election 2020 Hub


how would a shinner FF coaltion cabinte make up?
i assume no shinner would take on the brief of housing or health as they know these are posion chalices that they cant deliver on and the coalition will fall on these two and the shinners will blame the FF minister for incompetence

Taoiseach - mickee
Tainiste - mary lou
finance - pearse

It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think SF may be ok as their base is working class areas which won’t leave them and they are now organised and mobilised.

They will go into government on equal footing and will get at least 40% of the ministries and will have a big say. Housing will improve in five years due to current measures/building plus whatever O’Broin can do in the next five years and they will be able to play that optic well. I also think they will be able to play FF off to the electorate as barriers to change

Eoin O’Broin will surely take housing.

It would seem that Stephen Donnelly will be most likely to health if he gets in. God help us.

I would think the opposite.

I’d say SF will take finance, housing and health, because they can’t have justice or foreign affairs.

It’s just Noel Rock’s vote of 4638 left in Dublin North West. Reddy PBP is 436 ahead of McAuliffe FF. A hard one to read and a lot might be non transferrable but Reddy might just miss out.

It was Soros and The Clintons wot won it, shudda known

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Cheeky cunts, running Peter Ryan from Upperchurch was a no brainer but Newman was ran because she’s a female.

O’Loughlin is gone, your man has done it @myboyblue

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Giant Lizards

The thirst for the Merc among that Labour leadership rump back then has really killed them.

Cuts to people with disabilities etc - the antithesis of what Labour has stood for since its foundation.

let the shinners at DFAT, might put some manners on the fart sniffers in there


Soros is flat out

yeah justice is probably one of the FF redlines if they were to exist in negotiations

A Berry good show.

Shocking by any party, never mind a Labour party.


Berry by 300 apparently

Can’t see it, they’d be compromised on the North

Dean Mulligan will surely take the last seat in Fingal.

Ged Nash could be okay yet. Fitzpatrick might actually be in trouble now