General Election 2020 Hub

First of the FFers gone in Kerry now, her vote will decide which FFer takes the last spot. Hopefully it’s not that thick cunt John Brassil, Kerry have enough embarrassments elected

Verona elected in Wexford!

Very tight race for the last seat in Sligo Leitrim between FF and FG.

Verona and Noel Grealish both elected in GE2020.

FF made some balls of Wexford

I don’t disagree.

malcolm was priming to be a politician well before UCD


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FGers breathing a sigh of relief that there is still space for the racists in the Dáil.

They can have their parliamentary party meetings in a Nissan Micra.


Won’t Malcolm get a nice little pay off now as recompense for losing his seat?

Probably end up in the senate as well. #Winning

SF had an unbelievable momentum behind them in this election. I’d say you could have shaved a monkey and stuck them in a suit and they would have got elected in some constituencies as long as they were on the SF ticket. Patricia Ryan went on holiday in the middle of the campaign and still topped the poll.

She didn’t back Leo though for the leadership . That did for her at HQ.

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When thieves fall out

Well it looks like SFers are more self interested. @glasagusban

I can’t see it unless they make a few hail mary seats in the closing stages. At least 15 independents required as it stands, you’d be as well off calling a re election

Have you seen some of the goms who were elected for FF?

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