General Election 2020 Hub

Healy Ray rescues a bad day for you

Danny sticking it to the D4 media.

Well done to the Kerry electorate for not falling for the media agenda against Danny.


Ian Duncan Smith has done it.


That poll was the best thing that happened to him. Brought his vote out.

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A man of the people.

The left hate him because he’s a Trojan worker and gets things done for his electorate.


FG have set a very low bar to be be sure.

Things can only get better.

You’ve said the poll helped gain momentum for a SF bandwagon but did the opposite for Danny and voters responded to the the negative soundings?

You’re a spoofer.

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Weird stuff going on in Fingal. Apparently the surpluses of Darragh O’Brien FF and Joe O’Brien Green were not distributed.

Darragh O’Brien’s was 78. Joe O’Brien’s was 154.

The gap is 170.

Smith will be elected, barring a GUBU episode of recounting.

Nash ELECTED. Labour have 6.


Are you comparing Danny Healy Rae voters and SF voters?

You wanted MLM gone last year. Ffs sake.


Yep - I’m Eoghan Murphy


Our man ROD has already changed his Instagram username from RichardodonoghueCllr to RichardODonoghueTD

You love to see it

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Thst makes sense .

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Mick Barry home and hosed in Cork North Central. Solidarity/PBP have salvaged a respectable haul from what looked like the jaws of disaster.

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Only one spoofer here @anon61878697


You’re some spoofer.



Hon Hildy!

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proof you’re rattled to within an inch…

Youve spent the day pointing out that voters voted for the SF brand now you’re trying to say it was Mary Lou?

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The Labour leadership election of 2020 is going to be BOX OFFICE. Two-thirds of the parliamentary party will be competitors.

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