A United Ireland

Today is Monday

They do in one sense Leinster House is not recognised by republicans as our legitimate parliament ( I’m obviously not including SF as republicans they’re a watered down version of FF)it’s not v popular an opinion down here but it is what it is

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Post GFA, SF agreed to engage with the people and both states on this island and all communities within- they should be commended for it … after being completely abandoned by the south to live in an apartheid state, they have carved out a place at the table for nationalists - maybe if they were not completely abandoned and southern political parties had the back bone to stand / lead in NI over the years there may not have even been a war … Of course, the establishment down south now thinks it can dictate to the nationalist community in the north — as witnessed by this thread.

Cannot disagree with any of that ,but find SF have lost their way and voice in nationalist areas especially regarding the youth( ps I’m an ex SF member albeit a long time ago,and have several buds still with them but personally feel they’re losing it , SDLP are gone so who to turn to for the disaffected youth?)

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They’ve gone too middle of the road — they were shaping up to be a true alternative party towards the end of the 10s / early teens - but they’ve gone with watered down republicans in Mary Lou et al … I haven’t marched myself in a while - I probably wont unless there’s a change in leadership / direction.

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Leadership will change but for the worst I fear them becoming yellow pack republicans,know obviously they have to bend but too much equals younger voters in the 6 counties not turning to them equals a swell in the ranks of militant republicans,has happened again and again

you are in the dark ages

Nah he’s fairly representative of what people up north think. You haven’t a clue no offence, if you’re relying on the southern papers to tell you what’s going on in nationalist communities in the north.

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its utterly fascinating watching @chocolatemice having an fullblown conversation with himself


SF got 30% of the votes in the last election mate

It’ll be a long time coming.

Correct but it’s been like this as far back as I remember when I first went up 78/79

I’m honestly not- just stating facts- I lived in the Creggan,have kid’s/ grandkids there- worked there- socialised etc,hurled ( well tried to) my friends from all back grounds ra- real- irps etc etc, anyone who isn’t / hasn’t lived among it hasn’t got a baldies ( I was a republican from Cork with a good republican pedigree from back to Fenian times,and I was politicallly astute - as i thought,but quite honestly hadn’t a notion until I moved full time to Derry)

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Don’t mind all that shit, you never practiced drills with hockey sticks on the grounds of Malahide Castle.


100 pc right bud no drills

Not from the young ppl though SF are not in government,not creating jobs - ( except for themselves mind) dissafected youth be it from Lurgan ,Creggan,the bog,Strabane see SF as dinosaurs yesterday’s men

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Good article in the Phoenix this week where the esri guy bitch slaps Garrett Fitzgerald son in regards to being able to afford a United Ireland

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Ireland unfree shall never be at peace!

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