General Election 2020 Part 2

It wasn’t economic. It was a IRA cell who had bombed a gas plant a month before. They bombed the town with two small bombs in bins.

It wasn’t a spectacular like the other two, or like Canary Wharf or Manchester. It was planted to cause disruption and keep the fight up, put it up to the brits etc, it wasn’t an economic target.

The public have voted for change, ie no more FG. Big question is how would the public view a second election. The big 3 are reluctant to form a govt with each other.

So we’re getting to the nub of it. It’s all about electoral protection.

FG could actually do alright from a confidence and supply arrangement with the left. If it goes tits up as FG and FF people say it would, they’d have at least showed themselves to be open to dealing with SF and the left without having to be part of it officially.

FF aren’t going to do any better under another leader with the possible exception of O’Callaghan. And O’Callaghan is out of step politically. Martin was much more in step politically.

Why would they prop up a government that they fundamentally disagree with on most things? Wouldn’t make sense

@tallback gave out about SF not going into Westminster for putting party ahead of the good of Ireland

Listen to him now y’all


Whe I see Damien English on television, I immediately see a man who’s on his second pint in the Cat and Cage in June 1991 and furiously debating what he’d just seen in one of the Dublin-Meath draws.


Because they would say it has a mandate and because the country needs a government.

If they want to go the “responsible” path there’s always coalition with Fianna Fail.

You could call it electoral protection, Id say they’re both happy enough to sit back now in opposition wait for the dominos to fall and grab the sweeping brush.

This stage isnt so much about governing or leading the country. Its about playing a game of chess and is party-driven. FF and FG both got in or around the same number of seats as SF having taken a battering. Their own vote made that possible and they risk losing it or a part of it by going into coalition with SF.

Both will change up leader in my opinion and both will go back to grass roots in the coming weeks and months to get a better sense of direction.

SF are actually better off getting another election in the next 6 months…the longer it goes on Im not so sure.

I keep expecting Damien English to say something like “Meck Leyens is some man all the sayame isn’t he…Maaauhrtin O’Connell was immanse in the second haulf, so he was, jaaaysus what a man! The Dubs must be feckin’ sickened so dee aauuuhh. They’ll nevah beat this Mayd taym!”

How in the name of jesus does Sean haughey keep getting elected? Did he even make a statement in the last Dail? Hard to believe he was the spokesperson for foreign affairs and trade.

It’s like the reverse of the phrase “a rose would be just as sweet by any other name”.

No matters how much he stinks, he’ll always be sweet with the electorate purely because of his name.

Have they a successor lined up?
Maybe another from the lab they grew Jack Chambers in?

I was astonished to learn via Wikipedia just now that Sean Haughey is only 58 because it feels like he’s a lot older. He’ll still be there in 2034 at least.

Here’s your answer.


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Papers tomorrow going with a FF, FG and Greens grand coalition.

Are FF and FG getting stuck in a corner with themselves and the Green Party…

This is great.

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I honestly thought he had retired. Don’t think I’ve seen or heard from him in the last decade. Yet there he is still getting elected.

There you go already, racist, racist, racist :joy:

It didn’t take long for Sidney to emerge.


I’ve been posting here for two and a half weeks and I haven’t seen racism from any other poster except yourself. In your case it took about three posts of engagement for it to emerge. That’s some going.