General Election 2020 Part 2

Wow. Forget evidence. The failure of the Anglo-American economic model in terms of wealth inequality simply doesn’t exist, apparently. The overwhelming success of the Nordic model in terms of reducing poverty and creating a prosperous, more equal society doesn’t exist, apparently.

It must be great to be able to just believe whatever you want to believe and fuck reality.

incorrect. I was out flyering last week.

I also used / secured 5 additional family votes on the day… Probably the greatest feat of the whole election…

What a manifesto though

The problem is not that a SF TD decided to shout a few rogish statements on a stage in a pub after his success, nor would it affect a lot of voters to be honest.

The problem is that it presents a very difficult picture abroad and at home for the economy, any thoughts on unity and stability.

The lens is firmly on Ireland now and it’s going to be difficult to navigate the coming waters between Brexit and a second term for Trump (almost inevitable). Pissing off multinationals and / or giving an impression of a radically left or conversely right agenda wont entertain investors, companies, etc.

It also leads to a divisive platform from which to govern from home. I dont believe SF are at all stable themselves and this is ultimately doomed to failure. My hope would be there is no material damage done beyond a fella shouting in a pub late in the evening.

Voter fraud?

Holy fuck. Someone contract broadsheet

I hope Leddin was grateful. You did well.


You’re a nasty bastard

That’s shocking language.

Sinn Fein must BUILD OR DIE.

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Get used to it… The ra are back baby.

Go have a lie down, dear.

It was an economic target, just in a different way to Baltic Exchange and Bishopsgate. A commercial target, to be precise. Bring a busy town centre to a standstill, create fear. There were a string similar attacks around that time which were similar in nature but less remembered.

My fave part: “the provision of as many health services as possible in the local community” between that and the elimination of motor tax how could you not vote for them!

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It was wonderfully ambitious.

And probably for the first and only time in Irish politics they kept their promise and brought us to the brink of the IMF coming in the early 80s

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Arise and follow Charlie!


20,000 new jobs in 12 months at a time of 160,000 unemployment while slashing tax.

Were these extra jobs signed off on his private island?

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hilarious reading here…that same lad’s getting bent out if shape suggesting SF have criminal links are getting all Misty eyed about a criminal… That’s alright tho, he was establishment and middle class. White collar crime is cool.


In the another election scenario, I think you’re looking at higher turnout because it would be in more daylight hours, probably June, and probably much better weather, and that turnout would likely come from people who would vote Sinn Fein. Sinn Fein would not make the same mistake with candidates again. The left transfer pattern will be even better established. And Fine Gael and Fianna Fail would be seen to have caused another election unnecessarily.

Fine Gael had 50 seats last time and it was confidence and supply. There’s nothing except ideology to stop FF or more likely FG offering a confidence and supply agreement to a left coalition of SF/Green/Soc Dems/possibly Labour for say, 2.5 years.

FG doesn’t want to be in coalition. If it believes SF have the mandate for government and it itself wants to stay out, it’s an option.