General Election 2020 Part 2

Itā€™s like the reverse of the phrase ā€œa rose would be just as sweet by any other nameā€.

No matters how much he stinks, heā€™ll always be sweet with the electorate purely because of his name.

Have they a successor lined up?
Maybe another from the lab they grew Jack Chambers in?

I was astonished to learn via Wikipedia just now that Sean Haughey is only 58 because it feels like heā€™s a lot older. Heā€™ll still be there in 2034 at least.

Hereā€™s your answer.


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Papers tomorrow going with a FF, FG and Greens grand coalition.

Are FF and FG getting stuck in a corner with themselves and the Green Partyā€¦

This is great.

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I honestly thought he had retired. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen or heard from him in the last decade. Yet there he is still getting elected.

There you go already, racist, racist, racist :joy:

It didnā€™t take long for Sidney to emerge.


Iā€™ve been posting here for two and a half weeks and I havenā€™t seen racism from any other poster except yourself. In your case it took about three posts of engagement for it to emerge. Thatā€™s some going.

Unless you want to be forever associated with the poster Sidney, do yourself a favor and donā€™t accuse every poster who disagrees with you of being racist, fascist, etc. It reflects badly on you as a poster.

Heā€™s Sidney?!! Does everyone know this?

Frank Hall won FF that election.

No it wasnā€™t. This my third time telling you that now.

I said make a hames of it. They canā€™t control current spending, they use windfall gains to fuel their out of control current spending. Their current spending is out of control because their policies are wrong and they wonā€™t invest in long term solutions. Their reputation for prudence is nonsense.

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@Tim_Riggins @tallback - why wont FG lash on the green jersey and go into government with SF? I mean, Brexit , like.


calling @Tim_Riggins & @padjo

for the good of the country why wont FG go into government with SF - to hell with pre election promises

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Brexit hasnt gone away you know ā€¦ why wont they don the green jersey?

Why are FG more concerned with having a working british parliament for Brexit than a working Irish parliament for Brexit?



