General Election 2020 Part 2

Heā€™s pork barrel but better than some of them. That would have applied to Boxer too, maybe Canney in Galway and Naughten in Roscommon. The real toxic ones would be Grealish and Verona Murphy at the top, then Michael Collins and Lowry, then the Healy Raes and Mattie McGrath.

Get a commitment in writing for the new 60 bed unit in the Regional to be fully operational and staffed and heā€™ll talk to anyone.

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Think all of these have now come in bar the Crowe top votes one.

How many seats form a government

81, mate.

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Transfer toxic isnā€™t the word.

I spoke to a couple of lads today who wouldnā€™t be interested in politics whatsoever but they voted in this GE.
Now, the main reason for voting was the Black & Tans commemoration. Not the housing or homeless situations.

Nothing untoward there at all and it was great to see them casting votes because generally their relationships with pens & papers would be weekly visits to pencil street.
What I did find intriguing from the lads I spoke to was the fact that they all voted for all candidates but made sure to leave the FG/FF candidates last in preference.

You have got to hand it to SF on one hand, they mobilised the lads due to the RIC issue. Used the issue to get Social Media hopping and got the rewards.
Whether the thought process to then not expand their candidate numbers wasnā€™t so sharp.

I wish them the best now, hope they celebrate with plenty of RA songs and get that out of their system.
I hope for all our sakes they form a Coalition government and we get back to the business of running the Country and sorting out the issues in most need.


It would have been fitting had Simon Harris lost his seat but at least he is being made wait a similar period of time that someone on a trolley in a hospital might have to wait for a bed.


80 if you take the cheann comhairle off the opposition

How many of them can afford to do that now though?

Peter Fitzpatrick, I assume too?

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Those FF & FG figures are wrong. FF will get 38 and FG 35/6

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Gavan has deleted the tweet

Gavan hadnā€™t a clue if he thinks FF will get 39

Nailed it.


Gavan has been trying all election to rush tweets out and making mistakes along the way - thereā€™s a decent bit of want in him

The country has spoken mate, a government will have to be formed.

If it isnt FFG will suffer more losses.