General Election 2020 Part 2

Leo is on State business overseas.

He has never given the impression since the count that he wishes to go back into power.


Leo is only mad for a few years of the good life on the opposition benches, shouting at the Government, making smart comments etc. while not having to do anything

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Sure Sinn Fein are ran by a paedophile apologist


Could you get a more Green Party name:

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One of the Novak O’Connors from Mayorstone

@Copper_pipe can you un-paywall this - I cant get that thing you sent me working in work 

@Fagan_ODowd @glasagusban

Poor Pat is crying into his corn flakes here. He’s on about anti blasphemy legislation on account of Mary Lou using the term’by christ’

Very selective reading of Listeners’ messages from Pat.

Are the Shinners running the country yet?

No they are getting ‘desperate’ now according to Pat

Pat Kenny just said that neither of the civil war parties killed innocent civilians during the WOI and Civil war — that’s where we are at now :roll_eyes:

Fake Newstalk


To win war, you must become war

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Not working for me either

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I thought they won the election

So the media never tire of telling us. Not a peep out of them about Sean O Patrabbittehead. Funny that.

Some statement of intent


This is what idiots like @Locke will never get — whether SF are in gov or not, they have changed the landscape now — whichever party is in, will have to address housing and rents now.

They sure did