General Election 2020 Part 2

He does. Iā€™ve heard from a lad who knows that heā€™s a good bloke and quite competent now.

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Does he fall asleep at work?

If the Greens are to do anything they need shot of Eamonn. He has the presence of a north facing window box of lettuce

Looked like a fine SEGREGATED snooze for Ɖamon.


It is amazing that more donā€™t nod off during Dail debates given the tedium of the discourse there most of the time.

And the amount they drink in the Dail bar

Indeed , Has the Dail bar moved to the conference centre ??

Dumbing it down for iron Mike

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Is it my confirmation bias or has the new government already become a vehicle (sorry @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) for ridicule? My feeling is that large swathes of the country have no respect for MicheĆ”l Martin or Fianna FĆ”il and theyā€™ve no interest in giving him/them a chance. He could be making completely sensible points, but people upfront donā€™t want to know what heā€™s saying. Maybe Iā€™m completely wrong but I possess wonderful judgement.


Itā€™s reminiscent of Gerard Houllier and Roy Evans ill fated joint managerial experience.

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Michael Martin is a politician from a different era. He learned his politics 30 years ago but the country has moved on a lot since then. He goes on a lot about how he made it good coming from a council house but half the country has done that now and gives it loads about Cork hurling but thereā€™s college students out there who donā€™t remember the last time Cork won an All Ireland. Plus heā€™s bald, like Premier league footballers there arenā€™t bald politicians any more. He should have used that nine years to develop a bit of a weave.


This kind of oul guff

ā€œI was blessed to be born into the home which my late parents created for me and my brothers and sisters in the heart of the close-knit, working-class community which I have the enormous privilege of representing in DĆ”il Ɖireann.

Every day my parents showed us the importance of supporting each other, of tough but fair competition and of the spirit of community.

From my late father we learned not just of the great sporting achievements he saw, we learned of the characters and values of the heroes who were and remain immortal to us.

We learned the importance of persistence, of optimism and of always understanding that Cork will soon win another double.ā€


His father was a boxer, not an MMA fighter. The kids have never heard of boxing.

This was always going to happen one FF went in with FG. People could see how desperate Martin was to be Taoiseach and he didnā€™t give a fuck who or what he had to sell to get it. Martin has never been liked. They were already under pressure from the start to start delivering on the programme for government, now with the carry on of some of the FF party and Cowens sacking they are under real pressure.

I think its a good thing though as all the parties know that if they donā€™t deliver they will slaughtered in the next election.

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Mate, politics as we know it has had itā€™s day long ago. Itā€™s just a process of highlighting scandal after scandal now and character assassination - and the tax payer pays for this circus every year.

So long as society continues to support career politicians and the 19th century political process we currently live by, then we will never fully achieve our potential as a people.

I think heā€™s a pretty good guy, itā€™s a pity there arenā€™t more like him.

there are 159 others like him.

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Obviously collective cabinet responsibility is an alien concept to you