General Election 2020 Part 2

ā€œChangeā€ is a buzzword in there that the Shinnerbots are pushing but some other excellent contributions in there as well.

Donā€™t forget the Hillary Clinton like ā€œitā€™s her turnā€, ā€œsheā€™s a womanā€ posts

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Are SF not going to form a gubbernent?

Bizarre move. Unless itā€™s about the money, then itā€™s a very smart move

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Unfortunately the numbers arenā€™t there. Not enough other parties or independents want CHANGE.

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Iā€™m conscious of Caroline Flackā€™s sad passing starting a conversation on social media behaviour, but Iā€™ve told a new Green Party TD that Iā€™ll buy a diesel car if they prop up Fine Fail.


What is your point? The Irish press/media is of course in general anti-SF but the Irish press/media do not influence politics like the UK press/media does. A hysterical anti-Corbyn-like tabloid style propaganda campaign against SF both isnā€™t going to happen and isnā€™t going to work one iota. Also, SF are far more similar to the Tories and Nigel Farage - not Corbyn/Labour - in terms of how they use press/media criticism to their advantage. A much better Irish media analogy about SF is how the pro-Remain media in the UK failed to move the needle in terms of public opinion despite relentlessly reporting on the likely negative effects of Brexit.

It doesnā€™t have to be hysterical mate.
People wouldnā€™t but papers if they didnā€™t read them.

I was out in the car there and Pat Kenny had David Quinn on and Davidā€™s point was that it was unfair that the people (ok 24% of them) had forgiven Sinn Fein their dark past but they still hadnā€™t forgiven the Church. There has to be some consistency here, some Statute of Limitations beyond which an organizations dark past is deemed forgiven.



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Nice bit of class bashing sneaking in here from the same old culprits.

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Its time to put all this auld craic behind us. They were different times.

A fair point ā€¦ But the church has had about 1500 years at itā€¦ weā€™re as far out of the troubles now as they lasted for so maybe that might be fair for the church ? - So say in or around the year 3400.

What sort of success has the Irish media had over say the last 20 years in vilifying Sinn Fein?

Oh captain! my captain!

Sheā€™s obviously flat out trying to get this Government of the left over the line

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Una and the gang swung the electorate towards ā€œchangeā€



Awful font.

If Mary got a step machine in her office and worked on it for half an hour a day for 6 months sheā€™d lose about 5 stone or more.