General Election 2020 Part 2

Would you then?

Of course I would. She’d Have to wait until I finished with Arlene though.




The reaction to the vote on social media is fucking hilarious. People starting up petitions, what the fuck do they think the vote was for? And then others wanting to go protest because “that isnt what I voted for”. Fuck sake. Does every democratic vote only end in the way that I want it to? It’s great that more people are actively engage and got out to vote this time, but fucking hell, there really are some unbelievably thick cunts out there. There is a protest arranged for this Thursday. I genuinely dont know what they expect to gain from this other than to keep shouting “change!”

If Sinn Fein really believe that they wont get into this formation of government and if they do really believe that the will of the people is absolutely in their favour, then they should be shouting and roaring for another election. Or at least playing off on that. They seem happy with their lot, huge seat gain and public backing, but they need to make hay whilst they have the opportunity of this public wave of support.


It’s barely a week since the election. This posturing and shadow boxing has weeks to run yet. There’ll be faux outrage and pleas and people trying to transfer pressure to others and so on.

At least with political parties and all the bullshit and bluster that goes with them, it usually is avoidable and stays within that realm. But now, having to listen and read dumb cunts go on about it and how they arent being listened to and how they didnt vote for this is really making the whole thing a farce. And the thoughts of all this shit inevitably happening again in a few months now too.

The people will not be silenced

The I want it now generation.

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They’ll be looking for a people’s vote next.

Social media is the lowest form of wit.

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We go again

It’s all part of the dance lads. They couldn’t be seen to be blocking SF by going straight in with FF. It’s a genius move really, puts it back on SF to figure something out and after themselves and FF make a show of themselves for a few weeks, they can come in as the honest broker at the end saving the day. Or else the other two go in together which would suit them down to the ground


Yeah it’s their best card to play at the moment.

Sounds like the political party equivalent of a hunzo throwing a Facebook strop.

“Dont mind dem leo babez SF nd FF fuk dem dere nuttin ony snakes PM me xoxoxoxox”

Good odds of FF/SF/greens and Ff/Sf/SD
Gonna hit them tomorrow

It would be an absolute travesty if FG stood in the way of CHANGE. Fair play to them for putting their own interests to one side and paving the way for SF to usher in a new era for our country.


Fine Gael as ever putting the country before party.