General Election 2020 Part 2

Truth and reconciliation has been going on for years,not at a huge rate but still itā€™s better than nothing

Youā€™ve written a long post there and I know you earnestly believe it.

I have issues with SFā€™s past and find it reprehensible that people joined a party knowing such people were involved.

But if I park that and pre GFA stuff, the behaviour since is the problem.

I have an issue that dozens of SF members were ā€œin the toiletā€ whilst a dispute that led to a death of someone occurred. After the IRA scrubbed the place.

I have an issue that the killers of Paul Quinn were known by an organisation (supposedly gone) and that SF members could point the finger in the background but no prosecution was made.

I have an issue with people saying ā€œmove onā€ whilst they themselves donā€™t move on and try to normalise the past.

I have an issue with senior IRA members who are unelected being ā€œadvisorsā€ to SF. What are their skills? Why was a ā€œretiredā€ one drafted in over the RHI?

Iā€™ve plenty of other issues as well.

SF need to go away if they want a UI in the next couple of decades, thatā€™s the reality.


If anything, Thatā€™s a solid argument for making SF more mainstream and attracting people that will change it from the inside out. I believe thatā€™s what will happenā€¦ Iā€™ve said a few times that thereā€™s an older cohort still involved that need to go - they hold a different view of what republicanism means- from a different era.
SF will continue to grow and itā€™s how society as a whole engages with them that will decide how far and which direction they go.

Iā€™m a SF supporter - and have been because they are the only all Ireland party who are fighting for unification - it doesnt mean I support them in everything they do and say. I intend to get back more involved with them when I can and will have no qualms challenging certain thought, which I have done, or steering the conversation one way or another. Iā€™m an idealist and maybe a bit naive as a result but the country will be a better place if we all actively engage with politics on some level in order to change the old narrative.


I canā€™t see one specific example of this european-style consensus approach there. Do all these hotch-potch coalitions across the EU get along swimmingly?

@chocolatemice put this forward on here numerous times ā€¦ Politics as we know it is a 19th century institution so we keep getting 19th century results. Iā€™m not sure what the answer is but weā€™re at nothing until we try and change thingsā€¦ Until then Iā€™m a dye in the wool SF supporter tho.

By Europe does he mean Spain

Or Italy

Or France

Or Belgium

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So your response is to carry on as normal despite our system no working- dear oh dear

Did we not have this kind of thing in the Bertie years ???

My response is that people who espouse a ā€œEuropeanā€ model as a solution when our flawed model produces better results are to be ignored.



Ended well.

Maybe we can forge a better model?

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Iā€™m sickened that Fianna FĆ”il went into government in the 1930s or something without decommissioning any weapons. MicheĆ”l Martin needs to explain this urgently.

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I hope so. The people voted for change.

You need to step back and look at yourself here. Your childish comments serve no oneā€¦ We can build a bright future together pal.

Only scores?

5/4 for another election in 2020.

as already posted by me Friday May 15

SF are probably the biggest obstacle to a united Ireland and i think they are becoming more aware of that as the party attempts to civilize itself. - however im not sure is it that big an issue really in this jurisdiction at least with the electorate and i very much doubt that the young vote who went with SF did so because persuing a united ireland was part of the agenda ā€¦ SF were championing social equality, etc to the young and now matter how unrealistic their policies were / are they are attractive to those who dont have much and those who do have not the experience to realize how it actually can be gotā€¦
anyhow - the folly of youth, etc

w.r.t a united ireland ,
Varadkaar was slowly chipping away with Brexit antaganizing the DUP but undone himself with the RIC gaffe that was profoundly ill judged - Unity is gained by making those feel welcome not by building walls - i see no basis that SF as an organisation have the tools at their disposal to do that

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I agree with that to an extent.

I believe SF will find it near impossible to both normalise the Troubles activity (which IS a goal for many of their members) and attain a UI.

They will expend a significant amount of political capital in doing so which as you say, is not integral to their supporters (tax cuts and free gaffs are). If FG could not make hay of Brexit and the efforts that went in there, how can SF on a UI which wonā€™t succeed?

The only thing they can do in power is ā€œbetrayā€.