General Election 2020 Part 2

You say this like they are the first political party in History who have to make difficult decisions. The uninionists have already been betrayed by the Conservative unionist and FG unionist parties in Thornton Manor. They’ve been sold down the river by the 2 parties who give most lip service to protecting their interests the most. The writing is on the wall for the UK itself, not just the six counties and only the most intransigent little Englander luddites are still clinging to the Rule Britannia past

That brand of unionism is.

As a concept, no it isn’t. There isn’t significant evidence of Protestants or Unionists changing en masse their beliefs. There are still enough comfortable nationalists out there who won’t switch.

The poll this morning shows the difference is still huge.

That poll will flip flop depending on what’s happening around them…

Where did I say that?

I’m saying that their brand of unblemished moaning from the sidelines (from the ignorant who don’t want to listen to their gansterism) will be gone.

The suggestion here is that SF’s ground game is to become FF, which is gas.

No, it’s not the suggestion at all - that’s your suggestion.

In the post I quoted you.

Yes I said betray, because that’s all they can do.

Their manifesto is a nonsense. A work of fiction.

This is rich indeed. The moaning has been one way from the dinasours whose world view is in tatters with the New Politics that the election has signposted will be the dominant force in this country for generations to come

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About the state of the country?

Yes it has been moaning from one side, over and over, whilst sitting on the sidelines.

I know bud. I quoted it directly from your post

It’s difficult for you to comprehend I see.

I never said that SF would be the first to betray, I said that’s what would happen, as that’s politicos.

And that’s reality. Their manifesto is a hilarious work of fiction.

Those voters won’t stick around. They’ll go somewhere else for the easy answers.

So you are saying the unionist community are better off with Boris and Leo who sold them down the drain? Have you spoke to many of them about this? They are none too happy fyi

Its even more difficult to comprehend why anyone would still vote FFG unless they believed that entitlement, greed and corruption are legitimate political aspirations

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It’s a reasonable point but one has to look at options at one’s disposal if indeed looking for an alternative and also it has to be decided what is required from the political establishment who are in power.

I think that whole element of the voted for “change” movement – what “change” is required and what “change” does the voter want?

I think we all need to be mature enough to know that power corrupts and absolute power…you know the rest and I just accept that corruption occurs regardless of who the man in charge is – sad reality.

Now w.r.t. entitlement – im not sure if that is entirely valid im afraid – people work fucking hard to get where they are – that isn’t entitlement for one second and the departing administration are leaving the place in a better state than 2011/12 when the whole lot of us had to emigrate- they have plans to im sure to help the less fortunate regarding health and housing and under Zappone to give her dues she really was the first minister ive seen to make inroads on the cost of childcare.

The country isn’t in too bad a state you know … FG also sorted the gays and the abortion movement – both things don’t really bother me but on a social level they improved the country’s stature internationally immensely I must sat ( and belive me I have lived in 2 particular socially backward parts of the world)

It is I’m afraid if policy dictates you pull the ladder up once you get yours, which is essentially what FFG have been esposing and why so many turned elsewhere two weeks ago. People are working hard all over the country today and yet home ownership is but a pipe dream for them. It is only natural they are turning against establishment politics in their droves

Footage of @Tim_Riggins @tallback, @TheUlteriorMotive and establishment shills trying to make sense of the election results and why the electorate didnt respond to a Brexit manifesto


Excellent post.

Have you thought about running for office? I hear there’s a SF vacancy in your native Clare for next month’s election.

AK47 has started his leadership bid; who will Liam Cahill of AFR fame be throwing his lot behind?

Any sign of Michael Martin, the lad has gone to ground. Have FF locked him away somewhere?

Everyone is gone to ground. No one wants to actually talk to anyone else other than the joke parties