General Election 2020 Part 2

By inroads do you mean made it more expensive?

The Greens came out today and said the parties needed to ā€œwoman upā€ to be fair.

It clearly did. #changeit

ā€˜ā€˜A man gotta have a codeā€™ā€™ - Omar Little

Employment was up 10,000 per month in the final quarter of 2019, an accelerating rate of jobs growth. That was despite Brexit uncertainties and low unemployment.
Almost half a million increase since 2012.
Pattern for the decade charted here.

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The Kaiser Noonan :clap::clap:


Agree wholeheartedly

And weā€™ll throw it all away because a few how-yas in Dublin canā€™t get a free house next door to their mother.


I just saw the polls, they have no interest in a UI.

I want a house and I want a house where I want it. At a price I want it at.

SDLP need to cut ties with FF and look to extend their appeal in the South. Even a joining of forces with Labour & Social Democrats would look a better left option imo.
SF will never be clear of whispers & doubt down South, itā€™s a pity but itā€™s a reality.

Iā€™d also have issues with certain SF TDā€™s actively pushing the Border Poll idea so aggressively now when there are far more important issues for people in the South are Health & Housing.
I personally see no point whatsoever in talking about Border Polls etc until we get our current shit show of a house in order first.

I believe the ā€˜I want a houseā€™ types have spread beyond Dublin now.

Can there be a rotating T SHOCK .

And the FFGers wonder why the country turned its back on them

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and what do the micks do? what the fuck do they do? - they ask for ā€œchangeā€ā€¦
remind me again whatā€™s the opposite to jobs growth and low employment?
yep, paddy at it again


Whatā€™s not to like about more dole and free houses for everyone?
Get with the program.

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Get with the pogrom according to the SF Kildare North TD.


ive been fucking mugged off, mugged off good and proper
the FTB grant of 30k ? but shur you would have had to have paid tax for 5 years by actually working to get thatā€¦ why would you want to do that - shur thats no use to you- i want a house and i want it now

  • free house, medical car, free public transport and a united ireland, thats it now pal
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Thatā€™s their raison dā€™Ć©tre though so they wonā€™t be able to. You donā€™t honestly think Gerry and Co wonā€™t want their shot?

Donā€™t forget the constitutional right to the latest smart phone too.