General Election 2020 Part 2

i thought the exact same thing, then he nearly walked into his camera man

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What happened this roooooral chap that he has no left arm?

Any whitesmoke on a government yet lads. I’ve tunedout of this the last week or so

No smoke from Richard’s car anyway.

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We have these establishment stooges rattled.

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Christ. Joan Burton is one narcissistic cunt. She’s on SOR there now blowing her hole off

Marc McSharry must be early contender for coty, he even sounds like Williams

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not an image for the faint hearted


is that hugh leonard in the middle pic?

This roooooooral chap is obviously a complete moron.


I doubt it. Sure he’s already done enough to be re-elected next time.

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Tremenjus scenes

Fair point. I will revise my opinion to “pig ignorant yet cynical, cunning gobshite who knows that the way to win the votes of rooooooooral simpletons is to put up videos of him walking through a railway station barrier with his left jacket sleeve hanging limp and, for no reason, a horrible looking 1950s American car”.

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At least there was no mishaps similar to the below

Hang on did he drive up or take the train? Is he double claiming expenses already :grinning:

Or did he drive up and bizarrely go into the train station to pose for that bizarre video?

I’m beginning to think that ROD was not the brilliant tactician I thought he was


He got the train up and was collected in the car at Heuston I believe.

I think he got the Green bus up last week.

He can be seen here as a passenger of the car.

This Gregory chap needs to back in his box.

Thats looks a bit gimpy truth be told.