General Election 2020 Part 2

No way FG want to go into government. Even before the Wuhan virus there was a global slowdown and they (and FF to a lesser extent) would know roughly what’s ahead. Mary Lou is trying to shame Martin into a coalition, and it might just work given how desperate he is to become Taoiseach and this is his last chance. If I were Mary Lou I would let him have the first two years, a reprise of 2009/9 would see FF either absorbed by Sinn Fein or become as relevant as the Labour party.

Jaysus Mary Lou destroyed meehole today. She landed a few haymakers on him.

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I suspect fg will bet on the electorate finding it easier to revert back to old habits if coveney takes the chill off their cold feet. I don’t think it’ll work though, mld has already fought a few fires and looks up for the job. Another election will suit sf.

“I see Ceann Comhairle that we still live rent free in Micheal Martin’s very narrow and bitter mind.”

Hello MaryLou!! :wave: :wave:

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That was an excellent speech. I don’t believe SF will be able to back up their talk any better than FF or FG but fuck it, it’s worth a try.

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I found a copy of the latest edition of the Sindo when I was waiting at the dentist on Monday there*. I chanced upon an article by Dan O’Brien.

Dan believes that there is a hidden FFG vote just waiting to be unleashed in a second election. As evidence, he cites the Nice 1 and Lisbon 1 referendums and compared the Yes votes in those to the FFG vote this time. He said Yes lost those two referendums because the Yes vote in each was complacent and did not come out in numbers resulting in low turnouts and that there was a significant protest vote in each for No.

When the second vote in each was taken he said people had “come to their senses”, the complacency had been knocked out of them, the protest message had been sent and Yes won comfortably.

Dan’s recall of the Nice and Lisbon referendums is largely accurate. However his comparison of the FFG vote to the Yes vote and the Sinn Fein vote to the No vote and his prediction that in a second election, the “dormant” FFG vote would come out in much larger numbers is bordering on the realms of fantasy and a giveaway that Dan is somewhere between the denial and bargaining stages of grief. A bit like myself when after I was informed that I would need a very expensive root canal*.

*These are lies.

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The sour heads on Meehole and Lizardboy Calleary😁. The paedophile apologist Ceann Comhairle doesn’t look too pleased either

It was literally like school assembly and the headmistress tearing strips off the boys caught smoking by the bike shed … they were like gormless little scrotes as she ripped them a new one… Poor Mick Martin didnt have his RTE cronies there to jump in for him


A FFG coalition will see Meehole on the receiving end of weekly punishment beatings like the above from Mary Lou.

She made a fair mistake there alright

Nah . Meehole will go for the power. He’s Fianna Fail. He cant help himself

I’d say he is in the office there now with Leo begging him to go into coalition with him. No matter what the make up of the next government is either FG or SF is they are opposition are going to be tearing strips of them. Going to be an interesting Dail.

She let the mask slip. Temptation proved too much for her.

Leo is on State business overseas.

He has never given the impression since the count that he wishes to go back into power.


Leo is only mad for a few years of the good life on the opposition benches, shouting at the Government, making smart comments etc. while not having to do anything

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Sure Sinn Fein are ran by a paedophile apologist


Could you get a more Green Party name:

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One of the Novak O’Connors from Mayorstone

@Copper_pipe can you un-paywall this - I cant get that thing you sent me working in work …

@Fagan_ODowd @glasagusban

Poor Pat is crying into his corn flakes here. He’s on about anti blasphemy legislation on account of Mary Lou using the term’by christ’