General Election 2020 Part 2

When even an MI5 man is confirming the party’s peaceful path then you know the IRA is ready for government.

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I’d like to see an investigation done into the shadowy business figures who influence FFG policy. Influence over policy from mysterious outside sources is unacceptable.

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Anyone monitoring LinkedIn for TFK? Any of the women in business types excitedly raising the prospect of a first female Taoiseach or is it still detrimental to your career in corporate Ireland to publicly profess support for SF?

Asking for a friend.



It’s disappointing it’s come to this. SF need to get it done to prevent Leo having to take on this burden again

Have you any advice I could text Mary Lou?

Don’t drink the ale in the dail bar

Sinn Fein already run their own advice centres.

They are trolling the shit out of Mick Martin and holding a big rally in Cork South Central next Monday night – Mary Lou, Pearse, EOD will all be speaking @Locke

Fixed that for you.

What’s Dinny O’Leary doing? Making the tae and sambos?? FFS!

It’s about government formation and the team leading that are running the show — it’s not about fixing pot holes outside Douglas Golf club, you gee bag.

Portion control.

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You’re a vile cunt

Is the meeting being held in Douglas Golf Club?

The Tinny Shed more like :rofl:

Rochestown Park Hotel — Nearly full house — Will I keep you a seat?


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The same place that held the Stryker Christmas Party. Will they ever learn??!!

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