General Election 2020 Part 2

No, this is being held in the large function room.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The PSNI and the Gardai both confirm Sinn Fein are committed to peace and politics - what a serious clamping of FFG.

Exercise more?

Get off the fags?

The hate from the establishment shills over the last few weeks has been brilliant to see.
Keep it up fellas :clap: :clap: :clap:


Establishment shills. SF IRA are rattled when you hear that one.

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I’ve been using that a long time now pal — it’s very apt and obviously hitting a nerve. … Few lads here took a section of a post out of context to attack a woman’s appearance — very disgusting behaviour and shows you lads for what you really are.

What part of the world is Leddin’s council replacement from?

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Will we try this one last time? ---- I live in Cork, mate. I’m a SF party member. My name is not Paul.

Fuck back to your other logins - Barney or apples .

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Could you not just answer the question I asked?

With the answer I did give you, it should be enough to show you that I couldnt possibly answer your question.

They’ve come a long way, baby (two of them anyway)


Why is Harris coming out with this IRA stuff now? Is the ex -RUC man trying to sway the formation of government? That’s outside his remit surely?


EOB was Ho Ci Minh before he became Trotsky

He was asked about it. You’re only back on the Mary-Lou bandwagon two minutes and your paranoia is getting the better of you.

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I only asked a question - the timing seems very, very, very, very curious.

You asked three questions there, Neurotic Nelly.

I’d say those lads are Heartworm fans.

Eat more lettuce