General Election 2020 Part 2

They’ve turrned FFG into whipping boys anyway.

The IT article this morning made it look like some big investigation was carried out and revealed with their ‘sf-IRA links untangled’ — so what we’ve got is Harris just saying he agrees with his buddies in MI5? Lolz.

Czech I reckon

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He wants to keep his job when the Provies take over.

The IT article you haven’t read is it?

They probably are out to get you

Sinn Fein and the IRA are/were linked?

OMG. I had no idea. This changes everything.

No, the Conor Lally one from lunchtime.

Yes - I said they made it out — thanks for firing up the article you prick.

There’s more???

Don’t be answering for him. That’s not helpful for his condition at all.

Let’s just get on with forming a government.

The day has come.

Paranoid am I? Harris was in RUC special branch when the RUC and Brit state colluded to kill innocent catholics …yet you’ll defend him just to get at SF? You’re a disgusting pig.


I didn’t say a word about SF there.

Back track.

Point it out so.

Here …

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It’s absolutely absurd that this speccy creep is head of the Oirish Guards.


Clever boy

I’m all for a more inclusive society and welcome the likes of your man Marshall onto the Seanad etc. - But this fella has a very dubious past.