General Election 2020 Part 2

I wasn’t running in the election mate. I’m a winner too.

Edit: weren’t you joining the labour party three years ago? :joy:

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You’ll always be a champ to me.

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We’re on the verge of a civil war

Gardai + mi5 + maroon say IRA still active … Meanwhile dissidents say SF is a front for MI5 and are threatening to blow them up :joy:

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We had this on the thread about a week or two ago. All they’ve got on SF is a few texts from O’Muilleoir to Wilson telling him what was going on and asking if he agreed with his planned course of action. He was basically just asking for advice at one point during the affair, it’s not accurate to say he was looking for permission. It’s a storm over nothing.


Why did Gerry Adams shield paedos?


Clamping for @maroonandwhite and @TheUlteriorMotive

SF don’t recognise Ireland.

Their hierarchy slur us as the Free State.

The Micks want to elect a party to government who don’t recognise the State.

Some lad will be along now to reference George Washington.

It’s the same fake news shite thrown at the Don. Some semblance of truth to one leap makes every other assumption true. It’s classic confirmation bias. The cosseted class don’t want an upstart that threatens their privilege

Fuck Tipp

Be more in the Irish media’s line to investigate which corporate bigwigs are firing off emails to FFG and influencing policy.

But apparently you can’t now seek advice from somebody you trust in the same political movement.

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Thats your confirmation bias.the opposite side would be that while SF are coming out with remarks about a better ireland, its all theoretical, and populist smather as far as i can see. Saying they will fix the housing crisis, and then when MLMD is asked where are the builders who will build these houses, the thought out answer is

‘the builders will be found’

Thats nonsense.

Im not saying every assumption is true about them but theres question marks. Do you think SF could be trusted with the justice portfolio?

do you think they would be any worse than FFG?

worse attrocity ever in Ireland was the Dublin Monaghan bombings, FFG protected the perps

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Yes, obviously that’s what i think.

SF have set themselves up as the change party, people in tough situations are expecting them to be saviours of sorts, so they are under massive pressure ro deliver something or they are finished. Thats not the recipe for fiscal prudence, that could easily be a giveaway budget or two to try consolidate some sort of base. But there’s trouble coming. FG see this and want to avoid it i think.

100 hotels either under construction or planned in Dublin and we’re told by an anti-social housing zealot there’s a shortage of builders. FFS sake.

Fuck knows how they built all those houses in the 2000s, if one particular poster here had anything to do with it nothing would have been built in the last 20 years.

Sf are too woke for me but if they break up the hegemony of FFG they’ll finally do the state they don’t recognize a service. Maybe then we’ll grow up and do real politics.
For the record I couldn’t give a shite about housing, manifestos, money or budgets. None of it is possible but it’s possible they can break FFG

How will they break them, go in with FF and replace them maybe…

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Absolutely I’d love to see them in justice. The Gardai have been pawns of FFG for decades. 6 seniors including an inspector calling to arrest ‘Chopper’ Murphy at 6am ffs. He may be a shit but if that’s not letting your betters know we’re on your side I don’t know what is.

No I believe their plan all along is to force the grand coalition which will leave them a free run next time. I watched back election coverage yesterday and it was noticeable all 3 sf reps I saw on RTÉ all led off with what we don’t want is FF or FG together in government- my professional background tells me the way the line was delivered by mlm and Doherty in particular meant they were lying.

I think FG are determined not to go in. They’d happily take another election, more SF seats, which would then leave SF no option but to form some sort of government. Then theyd have to make good on the promises