General Election 2020 Part 2

You’re bang on. No one saw the backlash coming… As @chocolatemice has been saying since forever, Theyre not ready for gov yet… And the blood letting is brilliant…it will be all used up now and it will be full steam ahead for the next election… I wonder what a few lad’s here will have to shout about then. You’d feel for them and the likes of Paul Williams.

I see maths is not one particular poster’s strong point. But we could have guessed that.

For all the talk of FFG it’s SFF who draw from
same Mick voter

That makes the point though doesn’t it? The builders are building hotels. Because they will be whopper profitable. That sucks up a lot of labour. Construction Labour costs are through the roof because lads can name their price, because there’s nobody else to do the job. Every construction analyst in the country says the targets are unrealistic, @gman says they are unrealistic, my mate Bobby who is a builder (I know…) says they are unrealistic but we should believe Sid because he likes shouting and knows what ‘should’ be done?


Let’s get change done.


Look mate, it’s very simple. You round up all the builders and reassign them to building a very large gulag in the bog of Allen and stick all the FFG voters in there. Then you take the few lads who are on the dole and put them in charge of housing and health.
Job is oxo, etc.

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There’s a thing called migration. You put apprenticeship schemes in place. There are more people in work in this country than ever before say the Blueshirts on this forum and yet they’re telling us there’s no chance of getting labour to build houses. If what they say is true, it just shows their hopeless incompetence in terms of planning.

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Em, it’s you who supports politicians who want to lock people up.

You walked right into that one.

There is indeed a thing called migration. You’ll find that builders know about this considering the construction workforce is one of the most diverse in Ireland. And yet they don’t think construction on this level is possible. Appre nticeships take 3 years or so? And yet even if we managed to set this up pronto, the uptake and time taken to produce skilled Labour would ensure very slow progress on actual housing output numbers. Again, we’ll suspend disbelief* and just rely on your word because you are very aggressive in your posting style …

*This is not anti-sf. FF also had horrendous construction claims.


Less of the projection, less of the aggression, please. It’s very noticeable and doesn’t do you any favours. SF are proposing an extra 50k houses over five years. That seems a pretty reasonable thing to aim for.

You’re a Labour supporter and Labour is aiming for 80k over five years. There’s not a huge amount of difference there. So it seems you’re poo pooing your own party’s manifesto.

What does intrigue me are the posters who seem to literally reject any notion that there could and should be any increase in house building at all. They’ll probably deny that, but then again they should probably try and craft their posts in such a way that it doesn’t appear that’s their view, if they don’t want to be mistaken for such.

By the way FF promised 50k social houses over five years. FG and SF each promised 60k.

But you won’t hear that from the blueshirts here.

1- You Are continually aggressive on this forum. By far the most aggressive poster we have. And that includes @maroonandwhite. You went to the insane lengths of setting up and tending to multiple fake Twitter profiles in order to abuse and mimic people on this site over a period of years. Thats without mentioning your disgusting attacks on some posters. That’s insane. And incredibly aggressive.

2- Labour’s housing manifesto, for what it was worth, which is fuckall given the state of the party, is more realistic than any other party in terms of costing. Read the housing manifesto thread. They are all out of whack on deliverability.

3- it took Ireland years to crank up the crazed house building output of the mid 2000s. And the houses built were often of terrible standard. And then half those workers emigrated or retrained when the recession hit. A similar output is impossible. Your hopes are unrealistic. Your confidence is misplaced and foolish. Again, the industry experts say its impossible. In costs and manpower. But you believe because you really really want to. Fair enough. I have magic beans if youdd like to buy them.


Funny you mention the word insane because you come across as exactly that there. I’ve been posting here three weeks. Step away from the keyboard and quit your conspiracy theory nonsense. You’re only making a fool of yourself.

You don’t even know what my “hopes” are. You don’t even know who I voted for. So what imagined premise is your reply based on?

The reason people voted SF in such numbers is because people are sick of other parties telling people what cannot be achieved, while simultaneously telling us it actually can, before telling us again now that the election is over that nah, we didn’t mean it, basically nothing can be achieved and we’re actually that bothered about it. An inspiring message, alright.

And one supporters of parties other than SF cannot and will not explain. Yet SF alone are singled out despite every other party making similar promises. Promises that FFG are going to have to explain if they believe they won’t keep them, because it’s they who will be in government.

Well that is easy to fix.

The country needs houses more than hotels. FF FG are in the pockets of big developers, why are big commercial constructions being given the planning permission when it’s affordable housing that the country is crying out for at the minute? The first part will probably tell you. All FF FG are concerned with is greasing the hands of highly wealthy individuals and groups and getting looked after in return with the champagne lifestyle - to hell with the people that vote them in.

It’s why I find it so funny that you have a guy like @maroonandwhite supporting them to the hilt when it’s only the I’m alright Jack types that benefit from their policies and guys like him are left paying the price.

The Irish electorate have for long been incredibly stupid and backward, brainwashed into voting for two absolutely vile, self serving political parties who could not give a toss about justice for its citizens.

The Stardust fire
The Dublin Monaghan bombings
Mary Boyle
The priest down in Offaly

All covered up or interfered with by the state, all swept under the carpet by the establishment - never any justice or never any appetite for justice.

The Free State is absolutely rotten with corruption, ran by ganagers, crooks and terrorists since its inception, watching idly on as their brethren in the north were subject to a sectarian pogrom and suppressed by state sponsored terrorism the pontificating and moralising when they had the temerity to take up arms and defend themselves.

There are two statelets on this island, both failures, both rotten with corruption and elitism.

It’s time for a border poll.


Wouldn’t be the first time he confused what’s going to happen with what he wants to happen.


Fantastic rant.

What exactly would a border poll accomplish at this point in time? What do you think the result of a border poll would be if one were held tomorrow?

Another pipe dream.

There’s a time and a place for a border poll. It’s hardly the time when neither side of the border have a government or appear in any way inclined to have one.

I’m beginning to get a bit worried about the old sod.

SF just need to get on with it now.

@tallback 5/5/19 " SF must go into the house of commons"

@tallback 20/2/20 “i fully believe the army council control the IRA”

Was @tallback advocating terrorists should go to the house of commons