General Election 2020 Part 2

Labour :grinning:


It would be criminally poor use of the land to only have one high rise tower in that space FFS!!

The picture with the most trees has to be the best idea. The last picture has way more trees than the other two.

Fair point. Id have put a tower at each of the four corners of the first pic and planted a forest in the middle of itā€¦no need for the parking spaces

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Iā€™ve only just noticed how the people in the high rise need a carpark the size of a football field, whereas the mid rise people donā€™t need parking at all. Think of all the trees you could build in that space if the high risers would just abandon their Mondeos and Passats. You could even plant a creche or two.

The elysian in Cork isnt a bad example of medium rise, albeit it has one very high tower in one corner. commercial space in bottom floors. Could easily put a creche in bottom floor of one of high rise towers.

The high rise example he used in the photo was just a joke and not really helping his argument

The examples are Junior Cert geography stuff really.

Big blocker to building up will be nimbyism, some of it valid in fairness wrt providing services for the increased density. A few mid-size developments in Limerick been knocked back by objections, Hassetts & Punchs Cross come to mind in particular, both are meant to be largely student accommodation.

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Sure you and @glenshane were telling us it would pass comfortably not long ago.

Now the backtrack.

Rent. Free.

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Another fundamental misunderstanding of social housing from one of our resident blueshirts, who neglects to mention that FG themselves promised the same amount of social houses as SF.


100 per cent

Oh my God, youā€™re right. If these unsupported claims by the RUC man are actually true and the likes of Varadkar, Coveney and Martin were trying to insert a paramilitary organisation into a foreign parliament in Westminster then this puts anything Putinā€™s done in the complete shade. Varadkar and Martin need to be held to account here. This isnā€™t something I want to see associated with my country. Terrifying and shocking developments.


God what an idiotic rant. It would take days to list out the wrongs the IRA perpetrated yet you think thereā€™s equivalence. You say both are failed states, but united itā€™ll be a runaway success, how does that work? The truth is you want a United ireland so you can rub it in your Protestant neighbours faces, and essentially ethnically cleanse them. Some sort of sneering triumphalism that you bemoan unionists for but secretly wish you could enjoy.

And saying I back the them to the hilt :smile: this election is the first time Iā€™ve given FG any vote and I hadnā€™t voted for FF in years, I back them, against my own personal interest, as itā€™s whatā€™s best for the country. Better than a populist party made up partly of scum who have fairytale policies. Iā€™ll take the hit. SF voters, as polls show, despite hiding behind the ideal of a caring society would vote for tax cuts over public spending more than any other parties voters. At a rate multiple of labour or green voters, real left wing parties. They want freebies, not a better country.

ā€œEoin will build me a houseā€ is the new ā€œGerry was never in the RAā€.

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Lads still posting up links from the Indo :smile:

You donā€™t do irony, do you?

As far as I know only @anon7035031 and @glenshane are supporters of ethnic cleansing against Protestants here.

As a self declared FG voter, explain why FG have promised the same amount of social houses as SF. Youā€™ve been consistently praising FG, yet you call their policies ā€œfairytaleā€.

What does this say about you?

Shrieking at voters that theyā€™re ā€œscumā€ is really going to work, isnā€™t it. At least the likes of Paul Williams try to make some sort of token justification for their absolute hatred of Sinn Fein.

But youā€™ve just arrived?

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Iā€™m a republican and a socialist.

I want a fair society, a United Ireland is the only way to achieve that. The orange state of the north was created as a two tier society where the Protestant planters who came to the North were parachuted into the ascendancy and violently persisted to keep it that way. The Free State was the ultimate betrayal of what were the socialist intentions that the Irish constitution was borne out of, it created a elite in Irish society and every arm of the stateā€™s establishment (the courts, the police force, the absolutely vile state broadcaster) is motivated to keep that elite and strengthen its stranglehold.

A spell under the Brits would have done someone like you no harm at all, then again youā€™d probably be sitting there in you shithole house in Tigers Bay cheering on Ian Paisley Jr as he heads on another all inclusive to the Maldives.

Iā€™m very proud of the Provisional IRA, they were at war with a British state and sectarian loyalist death gangs aided and abetted by a sectarian police force. They stood up for their communities when nobody else would, they lost their lives, they risked their lives, they threw their lives away on the run, in prison and they didnā€™t do it for themselves - they did to fight an absolutely rotten sectarian state. They did all this why the servile snakes of the Free State establishment watched on from their ivory towers, paid for by corruption and sleveenism, tutting away.

I was in Limerick last Monday, I did the tour of King Johns Castle. I watched the little video of Red Hugh fighting for Gaelic Ireland while the rest of the snakes surrendered to the British.

Maybe thatā€™s the difference between nationalists of the north and those down south, we are true republicans, we have a backbone and a character that means we will suffer. We will eventually have our freedom and we will change this island, for the better - through the hard times will come the good and we will take whatever pain it takes to get their with our trademark stoicism.

Thatā€™s something some runt from the arsehole of Galway will just never understand.