General Election 2020 Part 2

Was the forum informed of this trip to the Mid Western capital? You have potentially missed out on at least 1601 likes here.

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So you want to drive the Protestants out, and you have zero idea how your two failed states will be better than one. Just this nonsense, got it.

They invaded the whole country, but the going was a lot easier up north I guessā€¦


He mentioned limerick as a desperate attempt to get support from limerick lads as he canā€™t fight his own battlesā€¦thereā€™s a metaphor there somewhere

He did to be fair .

Huh, Limerick threw the towel in and get to get a few lads from Tyrone down to fight their battles for them and ended up begging with them to surrender.

You guys canā€™t handle hardship.

To be fair they probably saw @glenshaneā€™s support for ethnic cleansing on this forum and made a leap.

@maroonandwhite fancies his own bit of ethnic cleansing in a different direction, given he considers Sinn Fein voters as sub-human.

I suppose itā€™s a bit of a horseshoe theory at play here in that deranged extremists on both sides need to back each other up for a bit of moral support.

We drove the brits out and have been independent for 100 years. A cursory look at the gaa records and politics shows that nordies just arenā€™t able for the senior hurling

You sold the north out, treacherous bastards one and all.


Whereā€™s your evidence for this claim? You just called Sinn Fein voters ā€œscumā€. You consider them sub-human.

Thatā€™s a clear call for ethnic cleansing. Itā€™s actually even worse than that. Itā€™s actual Nazi-era rhetoric.

Thatā€™s where you are now. You should go away like a good lad and take a good look at the sort of hate speech youā€™re engaging in, and step away from the keyboard.

This canā€™t be good for you.

Always looking for handouts, unable to stand on your own two feet. When push comes to shove and the prospect of the welfare states removal is dangled Iā€™m pretty sure what way the vote will go. Itā€™ll be the same as your Scottish brethren.

Now he wants to remove the state pension, child support, disability support any unemployment assistance, and much, much more. The bile just keeps flowing.

We all know where this sort of rhetoric leads.


Unable to stand on our own feet?

You need a history lesson, Ulster has always been the ones who led the fight against the British, as the rest of Ireland took the knee and surrendered Ulster was the enfant terrible for British colonialism in Ireland and you fuckwads sold us down the river at the first chance after all we did to achieve Irish freedom.

Servile, treacherous, cowardly and the deep shame you feel about all that manifest itself into the sort of attitude we see from Michael Martin.

None of the free states founding fathers would hold a candle to men like Bobby Sands, Billy McKee, Francis Hughes, Tommy McKearney, Martin McGuinness or Seamus Twomey.

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Is that french for easily conquered?

@maroonandwhite thinks those burned out of their houses in 1969 and those who marched in Derry in January 1972 are ā€œscumā€.

Let that sink in.

I suppose itā€™s hardly a surprise that a low intelligence poster like him would have such opinions, given that Fine Gaelā€™s Regina Doherty actually resorted to blaming the murders of civilians butchered by Loyalist terrorists in the waiting room of Gerry Adamsā€™ constituency office, on Adams himself.

Youā€™re arguing with a lad who has barely been out his own front door and has never picked up a book in his life, never mind ever having been in the six counties.

You need a history lesson.

Drove them out of where mate?



Gas cunts

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