General Election 2020 Part 2

Who knew @maroonandwhite was actually this looney? :smile:

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy 's insistence on having a border poll now that would definitely fail is quite amusing to me


You’d a couple of posts along these lines saying we couldn’t build all these houses we don’t have enough builders to build them. It’s a defeatist line to take and it just not true anyway. There are loads of ways the government can redirect the resources that are here, attract more to come here (EU, free movement of work, there’s no shortage of labour) and build capacity. They have to do all three. And yes it’s reasonable to expect a lot more houses to be built in year five than year one and two. This attitude of no it’s impossible fuck it all we may as well not bother our holes is really stupid. If SF get in you’ll probably be asking every few months for the first year or two how many houses they’ve built yet and scoffing away at it.

I really don’t understand the attitude. You appear to think the status quo is not good but prefer to swallow it and scoff at the side that wants to try to change it. It’s a puzzling outlook.

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Once upon a time a few paramilitaries in the House of Commons would have been a good thing, we’ve all grown so much it has to be said.

This is it.
We need to quit all the bullshit talk of “ CHANGE “ & “ winning the election “ and more importantly the “ respect our voters “ crap.

Let Micheal & Mary Lou + some other sacrificial lamb get this up and running & make the changes they have been waffling on about for the last 6 weeks.
Worst that could happen is the Country goes broke and FF are finally annihilated.

@sidney is clued in on a vast amount of stuff but Building, Agriculture & general common sense are not in that grouping.

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Apprenticeship shortages are nothing got to do with previous governments, the youth of today don’t do hard graft jobs. They want to go to college, have social lives, work 9-5 and as little manual labour as possible too.
That’s just the nature of the younger population we have today. Now you can say there should be incentives etc but they don’t matter if the will to work in those sectors doesn’t exist.


A poster with a lot of skin in the game has stated ( in a neutral unbiased way ) that their Plans are very much pipe dream stuff.

Can you give a brief reasoning in your expert view of how it is so achievable?

But you didn’t say what was incorrect about the post.

When you fail to put forward enough candidates to lead on your own, when you build a platform based on airy fairy dreams in the expectation of not winning an actual election it is very important to get a border poll out there.

Credit to SF imo, they’ve rattled the establishment but they need to tone down the bullshit.

You’re far more intelligent than me, bro. You’ll figure it out.

I don’t know whether the actual figures are achievable or not, I said it’s a pretty reasonable thing to aim for and there are plenty of things you can do to get try and get the workforce in place.

You on the other hand say nothing can be done.

You do realise SF are not alone in promising 60k social houses over five years, yes?

FG have promised the exact same thing.

Your entire reasoning was a generalisation that young people don’t want to work in the building industry.

No offence, but that isn’t very good reasoning.

Incorrect bro.

If it’s incorrect, you should avoid framing your posts as if it is.

It’s bizarre. You have all these posters saying “no, that’s not what I’m saying, but”, when it’s exactly what they’re saying.

A can’t do attitude, in other words.

So we know pre election promises are all bullshit, ok.

Why would SF engage in it? What’s new about that type of Politics? Why then if they believe they can achieve similar ( outlandish ) numbers did they have a no confidence in the Minister motion?

You and I both know that Politicians are masters of Spin. They tell an electorate what they want to hear.

I’d like to see a more measured direction from SF, i currently believe they’ll be no better than what’s preceded them.
Time could only tell me different.

That’s my lack of intelligence raising it’s stupid head again, mate.

Why do you single SF out? If what you say about SF is true, the exact same applies to FG, FF and Labour.

Yet you aren’t mentioning them.

People voted SF and indeed the Greens because they created the impression that they’re actually serious about doing something and are prepared to be aggressive in putting legislation/schemes etc. in place that will work towards building large amounts of social housing.

FF, FG, Labour etc. have made all the same promises and have a proven record of not delivering or not even making an impresson on promises.

Clearly because they are telling us they are so different to FFG.