General Election 2020 Part 2

So you admit that FF, FG and LAB are making the same promises.

ā€œAdultā€ politics now apparently is ā€œweā€™ll make the same promises as the party weā€™re trying to denigrate as being unrealistic, but unlike them, weā€™re not even going to try and deliver any of themā€.

Thatā€™s almost Putin-esque in its cyncism. A simulacrum of policy and of democracy.

Thatā€™s good. I thought you were being serious there for a while. Sorry for doubting you.


Being different but the exact sameā€¦

Go out and get some air lads.



SF have extensive experience in demolishing buildings so if they can bring some of that can do attitude to constructing them they should be fine. The best poachers can often make the best gamekeepers.

Nobody should be engaging with this guy.
Anyone who goes down to his level will be beaten with experience.

Agreed. @Juhniallio is excessively aggressive and a conspiracy theorist.

You canā€™t combat that combination.

Lads have ignored what happened a few weeks ago. Itā€™s happening again. Who will be tagged on Twitter this time.


Maybe @HBV.

I obviously never waste my time checking Boards. What happened there / whatā€™s going on? Heā€™s going absolutely mental this weekend.

@anon7035031 @myboyblue

No. Youā€™ve a lot of projection there. Iā€™m a realist and a pragmatist. All sides had ridiculous stuff in their housing manifestos. That should be recognised.
People sitting on their holes shouting solutions that donā€™t make sense annoy me.
Iā€™d like to see the dice rolled and have a sf led government. As you say yourself, I doubt they could be much worse than FFG. Even a sf/FF coalition would do me.
Preferably FF/SF/SD cos Iā€™ve a tenner on at 20s

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And the troll of the year award goes toā€¦


Youā€™re going down a line of reasoning there that is very weak in my view. People who donā€™t want change, donā€™t want to see their opposition succeed, donā€™t have the imagination to see that things can be done differently, or donā€™t have a quality reasoned response to an argument often assume the ā€œIā€™m a realist and Iā€™m a pragmatistā€ position. Dismissing opposition without engaging with it. Itā€™s as good as Tim or that old Sid character shouting others down. The other one is to dismiss x, y, or z as ā€œnot living in the real worldā€ etc. Itā€™s a really weak response from people who arenā€™t capable of engaging with the issues properly.


Shouting ā€œtrollā€ at somebody simply because you donā€™t like their views isnā€™t debating.

Thereā€™s nothing remotely troll-like about my posting. I threw in a few gentle jokes and barbs on a couple of threads, pretty harmless stuff, and for some reason they appear to have annoyed you excessively. Grow up.

Again, projecting weird opinions on me. Go back and read the original posts. Nowhere do they say or even imply that we couldnā€™t or shouldnā€™t try to build. You made that up. They point out that getting the houses actually built will be impossible. Iā€™ve years of posts on this forum about what I think should be done for housing in this country. Iā€™m not rewriting them now because youā€™re bored on a Saturday. Feel free to go and be disappointed by someone else.

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The paper of record is warming to Mary Lou bit by bit

RTƉ isnā€™t anyways. Some clusterfuck of a show on Radio 1 now.

Itā€™s all very disconcerting

My sources support my sense that Murphy is both a capable and honourable politician. Iā€™m glad to see she wonā€™t be ruining her burgeoning party by going in with FFG


ā€œVote Labour - weā€™re not saying donā€™t build, but we are saying that, because getting the houses built will be impossible!ā€