General Election 2020 Part 2

Roisin Shortall contradicted her a minute ago on Radio 1

Oh fuck.

Two leaders. Sure they’re a coalition of a party before they talk to anyone else …

It’s going to become a problem at some stage but they’re two politicians I would tend to respect and from talking to someone who worked in LH, honest and decent people.


Which one is the Gerard Houllier character and which is Roy Evans?

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You’re very testy. I just pointed out the line of argument you were going down. You did it again there when you said it “will be impossible”. Dismissing out of hand proposals out forward by others with no support for your own position because, hey, you’re a realist and a pragmatist so everyone else must be wrong. You can do an awful lot better.

I’d say a list of things that aren’t disconcerting for this lad would be short enough.

Kieran Donaghy has now joined the programme to talk about online abuse. There are a few posters here who should take note. I’m looking at you in particular @Juhniallio.

Simon Harris referencing the dehumanising of people and we had a very unfortunate incident of this this morning on this thread when a certain Galway poster branded all Sinn Fein voters “scum”.

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Not sure why the smiley face, I literally used the poster’s very own words.

Great work from Gino Kenny and SF in increasing the vote in a disadvantaged area to such an extent. Whatever your political views, this should be welcomed wholeheartedly.

Sadly certain posters here believe people in disadvantaged areas such as this should be voiceless. That’s very disappointing.

Hugely positive, keeping the number up there going forward will be interesting.

I’m testy with lads misrepresenting my views. That’s only you. But sure have a great rest of the day.

Read the tfk housing manifesto thread. Labour had by far the most realistic. Sadly, having failed voters previously, nobody gives a fooook.

It seems that listing how aggressive you’ve been on hear has really got to you. Between telling me to grow up, also telling me to learn how to take a joke and all the unnecessary tagging, i think youve a fair range of the internet bullying tactics used for today. Or would you like to tweet to a few celebs about it as well?


Last night you said Labour’s housing policy was “all out of whack”. Again, I’m only using your words.

You literally didn’t list anything about me. Resorting to claiming you’ve been “unnecessarily tagged” is a classic passive aggressive yet bizarrely self-pitying faux victimhood tactic. I just think it’s interesting to see somebody project so much.

I’ve no idea what you’re on about with the “tweeting celebs” thing. Are there some that are interested in Labour’s housing policy?

How about playing the ball & not the man?

I’m grand thanks Har. It’s Sid. You just let the nonsense and bile wash over you.

It’s a tad hypocritical though…