General Election 2020 Part 2

You had just made a gross remark against Mary Louā€¦ But I forgive you.

with bomb threats made against SF, I wonder should I be attending this rally on Monday night?

Donā€™t let the fuckers put you off.

Anyway, Ireland can always do with martyrs.

Thatā€™s not exactly what it said. Theyā€™re politically orientated now is what I take from that. Thatā€™s a good thing obviously, and part of the overall process, but I donā€™t believe that all those who held influence then, donā€™t hold any influence now. If you believe that MlMcD is the chief shot-caller now, fair enough.

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It can be interpreted a couple of ways I suppose, but the important words are in thereā€¦ No military stance or capabilities, former structure disbanded, maintaining stance against terrorismā€¦ I do believe that Mary Lou calls the shots. Thst doesnā€™t mean conversations donā€™t happen and previous members arenā€™t sounded out but id say thatā€™s minimal and more for advice than direction. Aside from everything else, Gerry and some of the older heads are very clever and shrewd chaps, why wouldnā€™t you use them as sounding boards at timesā€¦ It doesnā€™t mean they are pulling the strings or running the show. Theyā€™ve lived through some serious shit and are as politically shrewd as anyone. Big difference between that and claiming the IRA are still in existence.

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If the Big Fella wasnā€™t safe in his own County, donā€™t take that chance.


Fair enough, Iā€™d disagree with that scenario. I think it stretches credulity to say things have changed that quickly, and itā€™s hardly some massive conspiracy if people hold that view.

Simon Harris rattled beyond belief there.

That host (donā€™t know his name but Iā€™ve heard him a few times) there on RTE is by far the best and most balanced anchor in RTE, must be why heā€™s sidelined to an afternoon radio slot on a Saturday.

If everyone agrees that the PIRA no longer indulge in paramilitarism and are fully committed to the peace process then what difference does it make? Everybody knows that Sinn Fein historically was the political wing of the IRA and has had former PIRA members in government office. Why is this whole thing about the army council an issue, even if it was true - of which there is absolutely no evidence to suggest other than the subjective views of a peeler who was a high ranking member of a disbanded, disgraced police force?


@Corksfinedtboy was involved in Provo activity, ask him about the close SF ira connection today . The rest of ye are as clueless as fuck . We need to ask these Republicans whatā€™s the real story .

Iā€™d agree it is semantic to a point once they are engaged to political means, I think SF would be as well off owning that part of it rather than making out otherwise. Other parties are obviously going to make out it lacks transparency, but it is what it is.
At the same time attacking Harris with all MI5 stuff makes it look like thereā€™s something to hide and if anything reinforces that SF are still attached to the military wing

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The problem is we are talking about two different animals politically - North and South. The North is a basket case, lots of distrust not only against the other community but within communities also. Crime, drugs and dissidents have filled the void left by paramilitaries in lower socio-economic areas on both sides of the divide - SF are trying to curtail this, cross swords with the DUP and of course deal with the British government. Iā€™ve no knowledge of how involved with the party previous incumbents are up there but I dont believe they are calling the ultimate shots. But if it comes to dealing with dissidents and trying to curtail their influence in nationalist areas, I dont think Michelle Oā€™Neill is calling around for a chat. Itā€™s a very real fight going on in working class estates up there trying to dissuade their growth and then on the other hand SF are all about supporting the police and trying to get nationalists to engage with them more ā€¦ as you say, it has been a rapid turn around, thereā€™s still lot of issues within these communities that are raging every day and while SF have fully embraced the ballot box they are also intermediaries into a world the police cant get near currently. Itā€™s a delicate balance ā€¦ Doesnt mean the IRA exist tho. After the GFA those that wanted to continue violence up and formed their own group. SF are committed to peace and the ballot box and should be encouraged to continue to do so, not kicked for doing it well.

The timing of the comments is very conniving and political and it certainly raises concerns over the auspices of the Gardai and its political mechanisms.

With context to that, it is important to note that Harris is not impartial and subjective in this matter.

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Allegedly, there is an army council,and an executive but in my small knowledge unless im away with the fairies altogether ,thereā€™s no IRA at least no provisional ,theyā€™re all in politics now,but remember thereā€™s a lot of businesses to be run so a need for some structure,and to keep the young cubs jn line and not join dissident groupings

Thatā€™s how iā€™d read itā€¦and to hear Leo and Mick Martin play political games with this is sickening.

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If you donā€™t want an adult discussion donā€™t jump in. The conspiracy peddling is childish shite.

I donā€™t know what to make of Harris really, he strikes me as more of bureaucrat than a spy though. If you subscribe to the stuff @anon61878697 talks about with both traditions moving forward together he surely has to be taken at face value if he says he will work with SF or whomever is in office.

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he came with an incredibily dodgy past and now he is trying to influence the formation of a new government

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Cormac Oā€™HeadhrĆ”. From Carraroe, a good man to mediate an argument.

Ask any normal nationalist in the 6 counties, theyā€™ll verify this, FFS thereā€™s no bloody Provo IRA left

Are you talking to me or Drew?

He jumped in to make unqualified statements and politicise the discussion, I think it is worth noting for context purposes that Drew Harris made unqualified statements and his views are that of a former high ranking member of a disgraced and disbanded police force. I think that is pertinent.