General Election 2020 Part 2

Surely the reason Harris has said it now is because the Gardai are being asked now as it’s topical. It’d be more unusual or worrying if the Gardai didn’t have a view on the current state of activity or otherwise with the IRA.

And his statements are unqualified and his background is that of a former high ranking member of a disgraced and disbanded police service.

His past must be scrutinized but SF’s can’t? Fair enough so. That is why everything progresses so quickly.


You can flip that both ways tho… In short, we need to move on from the past.

He didn’t jump in he was asked, and he answered in line with the position in that 2015 document from what I can tell, unless you can point out otherwise.

What is the actual PSNI situation on the ground in Derry, West Belfast, South Armagh and parts of East Tyrone etc.? Would you ever see the PSNI on the beat in Crossmaglen?

My understanding is that parts of Derry are effectively no go areas for the PSNI?

In that situation, a PIRA presence would actually be not just desirable but essential, no?

SF’s past is constantly scrutinised. They are democratically elected by their constituents, Drew Harris was hired by the establishment as the head of police force to reform it depsite the fact he was a very murky past himself.

SF didnt complain about him becoming Garda Commisioner, they have moved on, he obviously hasnt

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All he said was that he agrees with the 2015 report. Hardly conspiratorial stuff.

Do you think the Army Council has disbanded?

The minute the police go into certain areas in Derry there’s a riot and they are attacked. They stay out most of the time.

They have little to no presence on the border, they do not really participate with local nationalist communities around the border area. The peeler vehicles generally remain parked up at the stations. Very little patrols around.

It’s a major reason for the problem with hoods around the border region, particularly South Armagh.

He agrees with his own unqualified views, him being a former high ranking member of a disgraced and disbanded police force.

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Always was they’re scared shitless,not happy boys at all in Creggan etc, despite what media say down here,so called dissidents have substantial backing and capability

Republicanism is back with a boom, baby.


Never went away

In that part of the border. I’ve an uncle in Strabane and his wife is a local, she’d say it’s a sea-change there in terms of seeing PSNI out and about and generally interacting with locals, I don’t know how common that is tbf.

You looking forward to a campaign of murdering innocent people or something?

Doesent happen too often , trying to normalize an obviously abnormal scenario, United ireland needs to happen, otherwise so called dissidents will go on and on and on,oh and hark-here comes the UDA etc,needs to change

No way never again

Strabane is an urban area and would be one of the heartbeds of dissidents activity.

Lurgan and Derry City would be the other areas. You would have pockets of activity around East Tyrone and South Armagh but not a whole pile. The dissident activity mainly seems to be concentrated in urban areas.