General Election 2020 Part 2

Obviously, but sheā€™d say itā€™s a much better situation for all, sheā€™d be dreading any return of a border and checkpoint situation.

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Iā€™m looking forward to a socialist United Ireland.

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Sophie Long formerly of the PUP says the UDA have 10,000 members. Now. I found that hard to believe.

What sort of numbers do the dissos have? NI-wide or just in Derry?

It was absolutely shite, sometimes summer time heading to buncrana an hour plus at the minimum, besides being stopped daily up to a dozen+ times,then on occasion the front and back doors booted in ,goes on and on and on

Scattered around Ireland - Derry strong - but thereā€™s heads from all over involved. Saoradh, the political wing, are around the country - think predictions have active dissidents at around 200 ā€” i heard somewhere recently that even at their height the Provos only had around 200 active at any one time.

I presume members in that context includes sympathisers.

There is fairly significant support around for them in the urban towns. If you go around the estates near the Athletic Grounds in Armagh for instance there is plenty of signs of it. Lurgan has a massive dissident support base in the nationalist communities there, Kilwilkie is like being tranported back into the 1980s.

Overall as a whole though I think it is consigned to small pockets - primarily Strabane, Creggan and Lurgan. Growing up as a young lad, the rural areas of Armagh, Tyrone and Derry were awash with displays of support for the Provisionals.

Arenā€™t we all but thing Iā€™ll see Disneyland Florida quicker and Iā€™ve no intention of travelling

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They lived in Lifford at times as well so were always over and back. Itā€™s oppressive to be dealing with that stuff every day, however the day-to-day interaction might be.

Derrys the Hub,parts of Tyrone ( strabane) Fermanagh obviously,Antrim parts,S Armagh/Down,Lurgan etc,+Cork / Limerick in parts

I doubt they could have afforded to have any more for discipline reasons otherwise the whole thing would have had the lid blown on it.

Horrible and Iā€™ve no intention of ever dealing again with it

FFS thereā€™s 200 in Cork / Munster alone,look at the PDF fund raisers in Cork etc, several hundred always,as for hard heads maybe 30,/50 Munster

The Dissidents definitely seem to have mobilised themselves, for most of 00s they were mired with criminality and drug dealing but there seems to have been some sort of commitment to putting the political situation back in recent years.

I meant active Provos during the Troubles.

The point being the dissidents are at provo levels and it just needs a spark and these cunts will kick off ā€¦ the Lyra McKee murder really set them back tho ā€” they werenā€™t ready for the back lash of that.

So is it really the case that the PIRA needs to exist but simultaneously not exist, ie. they need to remain dormant so that if the dissos get out of line they can be stopped?

But the PIRA hasnā€™t been properly active for a long time. And like anybody else, theyā€™re getting old both in terms of active serice members and figures of influence. Who is the PIRA now on the ground? And the longer they remain dormant, what can they actually do if the dissos ever properly step out of line?

You believe in fairy tales mate, and dangerous ones at that. You are on record here as supporting totalitarian regimes like Iran, Russia, Venezuela and Cuba. Clearly thatā€™s what you would like to see in Ireland.

Thankfully most people are sane and donā€™t share your views. Sinn Fein are not a socialist party, they may have been in NI when they entered politics, but they are now a center left party. In fact there is little difference between the policies of SF and FF, they should put their historical differences aside and for a government and eventually merge.

I am in favor of a border poll but not now. FFS NI hasnā€™t had a functioning government for three years and now Ireland doesnā€™t have a government either and may not have one after another election.

The obvious solution here is for SF/FF to form a government, if they both had the interests of Irish people north and south at heart. Work on creating a political and social structure that the majority in NI would want to join, and then have a border poll.

You forgot to shout ā€œcommunist!ā€

Public opinion is massively against them. But they just need to manufacture the right situation, a spark, where Catholics come under attack, for that to start to change. Itā€™s hard to see that happening in the short term future, say the next three years, but the medium term offers plenty of possibilities for them.

Didnā€™t stop after omagh, McKee was only a blip,not being abrasive just blunt,no attack/ civilian deaths ever stopped any organization and Never will,thatā€™s the harsh reality of it