General Election 2020 Part 2

Heā€™s very soft on anti-Semitism too. All the right wing nut jobs on this forum are.

Yet the same right wing nutters like @anon7035031 and @TheUlteriorMotive screamā€™ anti-Semiteā€™ when Israel is condemned by someone

And hereā€™s how they do it. Israel calls itself a Jewish state, the Jewish state. That is to say that for the Israeli government, the all powerful dominance of Jews is completely indivisible from and essential to the identity of Israel.

So if you oppose Israeli policies and actions, by definition that makes you an anti-Semite, at least according to them, because you are opposing of the policies and actions of the Jewish state.

Now anybody who follows the Israel-Palestine situation in even a cursory manner knows that no two state solution is possible because of Israelā€™s massive, decades long campaign of invasion of the West Bank and colonial settlement building. Yet thatā€™s an elephant in the room nobody must ever mention.

Itā€™s a case of statinā€™ the bleedinā€™ obvious that the only feasible chance of a morally just settlement is some form of one state arrangement perhaps of a federal nature like Bosnia.

Israel has no interest in a two-state settlement, because it wants control over the West Bank. Israel has no interest in a one state settlement, because that would have to mean equal rights for all Palestinians.

Yet if you state that you are in favour of a one state plan or even open to discussing such, you have fallen foul of the most vacuous canard around - you ā€œdeny Israelā€™s right to existā€, and are therefore an anti-Semite, ie. anybody who recognises reality is ā€œan anti-Semiteā€.

Thatā€™s the Kafkaesque stategy they employ.

On the other hand they routinely airbrush real anti-Semitism of the sort that led to the Holocaust, as long as you support the Israeli government, and anti-Semites the world over are happy to do that.


Itā€™s a truly bizarre logic ā€” they tell us that Israel exists now and thereā€™s no point looking back on what happened, to look forward ā€“ the same lads will then bounce into an Irish politics thread and start pointing out what SF did in the past.

I think there is a massive class element to it. Anything that gets a sort of official seal of approval, contemporaneousy or retrospectively, from the ā€œrespectableā€ classes, no matter how morally unjust, is grand.

What they really hate is the idea of liberation to create a more just, more equal society. Any juxtaposition of socialism with liberation really gets their goat.


Nail. Head. Offft.

At least I donā€™t celebrate the murder of an Irish policeman out doing his job, you insufferable cunt.

You know fuck all about Israel, like most contemporary subjects. Itā€™s quite possible to condemn Israeli actions towards the Palestinians, as I do, and also support Israelā€™s right to exist and defend itself against attack. Those doing the attacking since the foundation of Israel are actual fascists who would like to see nothing else than the genocide of the entire Jewish people. Yet you have Corbynistas on here who support said fascism, which of course just exposes the fact that they passionately hate Jews and regret some were allowed live during the last attempt by Europe to exterminate them.

I thought you were better than this, but youā€™re not, just another waste of what was at one point a good brain.

Iā€™ve never celebrated the murder of anyone - thatā€™s a disgusting accusation.

Iā€™ve already mopped the floor with you on Israel onceā€¦ but ā€˜the foundationā€™ of Israel - Jesus wept, you make it sound like the opening of a supermarket. It was a confiscation thatā€™s still going on today - itā€™s indefensible. - The rest of your diatribe is hyperbole.

Your last point is very telling ā€” youā€™re definitely on the scale, just not sure if itā€™s stage 3 or 4. But youā€™re rattled.

Your said Jerry McCabe got what was coming to him. Thatā€™s the kind of comment you get from RAstooler pretend Republicans like yourself and the fascist loon from Tyrone.

You would find very few actual Republicans who would say McCabe got what was coming to him. Engaging with Irish security forces was against IRA policy, the lad involved was totally in the wrong.


It was fairly obvious I was being facetious.

Sure you said the two lads at Soloheadbeg got what was coming to them.

Backtrack accepted.

Iā€™ve been very consistent with my views here for months , even years ā€” Iā€™m not a man of violenceā€¦ You just have a gang here waiting to pounce on anything SF - itā€™s pathetic really.

Agree with that a chara, and Iā€™m not one of them. SF are a legitimate political party and have put the wind up FF in particular. FG donā€™t care too much as they will emerge from this period in Irish history fairly unscathed while FF will become irrelevant and their remnants likely absorbed by SF.

Thanks for that, comrade.

Our laughter will be the revenge of our children.


FFS lad

Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.

Ah Arthur ā€¦ come on.


Our children will be the revenge of our laughter.


Our childer will be laughing with revenge

Our revenge will be laughing at your children.