General Election 2020 Part 2

Election fatigue has dug its heels in I see

Have FFG met with their electorate to discuss their outline for the next government/Dail?

Modern technology means our interest in things and our feelings about them have become much more intense, yet last for much shorter periods of time, and then we forget about them altogether.

Yep. Pandemics are all the rage now. Whatever happened with that climate issue thing, all sorted i presume

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Its been a non issue ever since WW3 ended, keep up man

Yup. By the time this virus goes, there be anyone around to worry about the climate

There must be around 50,000 people here.

This is genius by SF. They have FFG driven absolutely demented.


You cant spell United Ireland without U and I, pal.


What a man What a man What a mighty fine man


Give us a wave boys

Do these people not know there is Champions league on Telly?

The Shinners were smart enough not to have it Thursday night


I would have voted for FFG in the election had they banned rubby. A fantastic intervention this evening, but it’s unfortunately too late Minister Harris.


The irfu have issued a strong statement basically telling Harris to keep his nose out of their business

SF, with well over 50% of the vote and the seats, are the largest party in the state right and can do as they please.


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The Shinners are box office. Literally having to turn people away who want to be in their presence.

Change the governance. A wonderful sentiment.

It looks more like sub 25% on my reading. But that’s accountants for you.