General Election 2020 Part 2


It was worth highlighting and commenting on but not 10 fucking minutes.
She’d be better off exploring why SF has blown the arse clean asunder of Irish Politics.

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Two couples evicted on Love Island tonight.


Given you were calling for the head of MLM last May and saying SF IRA were finished you will forgive us if we ignore your predictions this time.

Anyway the CLIMATE APOCALYPSE means our children will inherit a Mad Max style future.

Very good speaker. Definite training in the area. Do the RA run an underground elocution camp in magherafelt?


Holly Cairns and her partner were both elected today at the same count

For what died the sons of Roisin.

Get Jerry Beades on the case.

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He’s a lesson for any aspiring young politician. Articulate, Consistent and rarely condescending.

Did he not go to Blackrock College? He’s from Cabinteely.

The auld birds thread


Fcuk up you fool, you can’t hear it properly down the boozer in between the ‘up the Ra’ chants

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are you gonna bore the bollix off us with that for the next few days? … I was right about Mary Lou… That was borne out in the debates, tho she has other strengths /appeal.

Are you putting the whitewash solely on her?

Nothing wrong with that. The FFG crowd need to stop being so classist.

Nothing wrong with a posh boy.

take your underpants off your head you stupid fucker… You’re clearly confused as to whats happening in front of you.

When did he translate the name?

Whats the story with that verona Murphy one wex offenders? Wheres the support from? After a few terms of the scruffy tax avoider ye sure know how to pick em

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He should take Jack Chambers on as an intern

He went to Blackrock College. They’re big into debating there.