General Election 2020 Part 2

What was your personal experience of cafes/bars/restaurants here? Were you in a single cafe bar or restaurant that was open in Ireland during this intervening period? Care to name them?

Well if you want to make a claim you should be able to back it up

Cheap shot here from you bandage. Still seething at the nice post I hopped off you the other day i suppose.

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Hmmmm. Nothing to do with the government? My initial and only point was that I don’t see that the government has done anything different to how another government would have acted, if one had been formed.

You make the point that we were one of the first to close schools. Why the lag in time until the introduction of the later measures, until the point where we were one of the last to introduce the last few restrictions?

There you are trying to be a snake again. Last time you did that I called you out on it and you called me a cunt in response and then apologized by PM.

I’ve seen daily reports on the progressions of restrictions across Europe, this where I get my impression from. It won’t bother me too much if you don’t believe me.

The classic TFK debating technique of “post up a incontrovertible link backing up exactly what you just said or else I don’t believe you”.

The classic @glasagusban comment presenting something as fact without anything to back it up


What countries don’t have lockdown yet? You reckon we’re ahead of the curve?

You’re lying to yourself glas. So I’ve quoted your initial post. Your initial point was that it was helpful that there wasn’t a change in government.
You then said we were slower in our response than most European countries. I pointed out that the opposite was in fact the case.
You can change your opinion now, that’s fine, in fact you obviously should. And it’s absolutely fine to point out where we fucked up if you’d like to to do that. But it’s hard to trust a lad like yourself who is completely wrong on a basic point.

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I don’t know. I generally come on this thread to get information. Do you have anything at all to back your point up?

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Changing tack now?

If we were one of the first to close schools, but one of the last to close bars and restaurants and one of the last to introduce lockdown, does this suggest we acted fast, or were in fact slow to introduce the restrictions seen elsewhere?

@Juhniallio has been rumbled.


It’s all a fucking cod when there are people landing in the country from the 4 corners of the world on holidays. Virus fucking holidays.

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It’s like the Troubles when Fine Gael talked about an acceptable level of violence.

Now they talk about an acceptable level of virus.

I’ve said where I informed my impression from and that no, I don’t have a link or source to post up for you. You can choose not to believe me, that doesn’t really matter. If you feel so strongly about it you could go and do some google research.

Ooooh. Now this is interesting. You know what I apologised for by PM. And it wasn’t that. It was for mentioning something I knew about you personally online. It wasn’t a big thing but you had an issue with it which is fine. Even though your personal situation in many cases makes what you say on here hugely hypocritical, as in the argument you were having with Labane. Again. We shut schools and playgrounds etc earlier than most.
You’re seething here, because I’ve called you out on a quite simple lie in your post.

Sure. I’m the one seething here. And sure, I lied. There most be loads of countries In Europe not in lockdown yet, because you caught me out lying and Ireland was clearly out in front of all of them. Good man yourself.

Maybe rely on facts rather than forming an impression based on whatever you based them on in the future. I won’t hold my breath

The acceptable level is the level the health service can handle.

Ok. What I said must be wrong because it isn’t written in an independent source for you.

Spot on reasoning.