General Election 2020 Part 2

I never said it must be wrong. I just wanted something to back up the claim. You’re like one of these lads that believes everything he gets in a WhatsApp message must be true

Pack of gowls.

The thing hit countries at different times so measures were always gonna be introduced in countries at a different stage. You cant compare what countries did really … But I do remember other countires like Germany, Poland, Portugal and a few others closing down well before us - but they all share land borders with EU so again, it was different.

For me, we did nothing in the lead up to it really - Dr Tony reckons he’s been watching it since Jan yet we sat there and waited for it to hit and once it did we carried on as normal. We let planes from Italy land well into their shit show and even when we identified that the first few cases were from travel there was no major call for everyone that had being skiing to contact HSE or to go into a Isolation. Planes continued to land until Italy themselves said they were cancelling flights — there was chatter on here that Leo was following EU advice on this, but other countries as I pointed out, closed their borders themselves. The Gov froze at the start. They were going ahead with St. Patrick’s day even tho cases were here and it wasnt until the public mood turned that they relented — at that stage you had visitors already here for Patrick’s day … To me, the Gov were only thinking about the economy at the start. As a small Island we had a got shot of seriously curtailing it but the response at the start was weak … Once they realized that the economy was shot/ will work itself out — they then started taking measures.

It aint an easy task that they have to be fair — and full lock down is something you can only do once so the timing had to be right – but there’s always arguments that x or y could have been done a little sooner in hindsight.

The communication seems to have brought comfort or unity to people and that’s a good thing. I personally think Varadkar is playing politics tho - I think it’s as plain as day if you look at it objectively … but that’s for another day/thread.

Our response has been decent since we kicked into gear but the inaction at the start has cost us - but hopefully not too much - luck seems to play a part in this thing as much as any thing - and the fact that 74% of us wash our hands has played it’s part too.

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What is it you said?

Some holidays people will have with nothing open and empty streets.

Who do you get to do that for you?


My left eye is objective and my right eye subjective -

One looking at the bus and one looking for the bus?

That compared to countries across Europe we have been comparatively slow to introduce restrictions.

It’s driven some lads cracked. Apparently I lied though and because I can’t post a link to prove it’s true, I must be wrong.

You’re at nothing if you’re not.

What do you mean?

I never said you lied or that it must be wrong. Learn to read as well while you’re at it

People are landing in Ireland every day on commuter flights

We’re all gonna fucking die because of Aer Lingus - that’s what he means.



We’ve been brutal slow with regards travel into and out of the country.

I think we were relatively up to speed with most places as regards closures of schools and other measures, obviously a lot quicker than some.

I think people here by and large have taken it more seriously than in other places. For the week or two before the schools closed, people down here were starting to change their behaviour, some kids had been taken out of schools, birthday parties were being cancelled etc.

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There’s hardly any flights going any more.

Our man at t2 says different

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20 odd flights or roughly 3000 people. Too many

Why are flights still ciming from the US and England?

Not sure about today cos I’m not in but Aer Lingus had plenty going yesterday. As usual no checks on who was getting on them