General Election 2020 Part 2

Ah ffs


All I have to do is type a few letters…

She was up against Timmy Dooley, mate.

I fixed* a curtain pole, unblocked a drain and cut the lawn in last couple of hours.

I logged on here to relax and have a cut off you :joy:

** it’s not clear the fix is permanent to be honest

You’ve attacked our front line workers to do so. Lads on tills and delivering food being taxed 50% of their wages while you champion the tax exiles.

And the usual suspects putting down the minimum wagers who are toiling at personal risk while defending billionaires who earn no matter where they are seeing out covid 19 in luxury

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It would boil your blood.

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They’re doing hugely important jobs in this time of national crisis. Maybe @Thomas_Brady might substantiate the comments he’s making about the tax regime that is applicable to them though. His tax analysis seems to be a bit off.

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Capitalism on the verge of collapse and the right wingers are seething.

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They have been seething since the end of the election when their hero leo only got elected on the 5th count. Maybe that’s why they shout leo, leo, leo, leo, leo in acknowledgment of his achievement to be the only sitting Taoiseach not to be elected on the first count.

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Targeting the poor Tesco fella for having it good while ignoring tax exempt billionaires. :grinning: :blush:

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That Louise O’Reilly one seems a bit simple. What’s the inside track on her @Thomas_Brady? Like, she seems fairly enthusiastic etc but complex ideas seem a bit beyond her.

If there was a 0-10 ranking for SF representatives basic intelligence with say Eoin O’Broin at a 10 and that Clare one at a 1 (you’ll surely appreciate I didn’t use negative numbers in the new spirit of political detente) where would you stick her?


She’s great at getting the message out - takes no shit and can put it up em. She’s from a trade unionist background so has that bit of fire but she may not be an idea’s type person.

What has she done to vex you now old pal?

i’d place her at a 6.5 verging on 7 on good days.

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Whod be your top 3 working class non privately educated sf heads?

FG have delivered a socialist paradise.

She’d be better if she didn’t email defunct email addresses.

Youre mixing her up there bud.

I probably am alright.


It took a global pandemic for them to implement most of Sinn Féin’s manifesto.


In fairness Eoin must be fucking seething at this turn of events.


no they haven’t: the likes of dinny and Richie haven’t been out up again a wall