General Election 2020 Part 2

The spider web is a lovely addition along with the Star of David.

Is Leo a lucky general? Got the main gig even tho the majority of party wanted Simon. Gets slaughtered at election, 5th count in his own, and then a pandemic comes along to extend his premiership to boost his profile…

Any government promising in the current climate what eoin mentions is living in Walter Mitty land . The fire needs to be fought for next 6 months and then we will see .

Well they’re obviously hard to find in the “officer material” in SF but Pearse would have to be there at 1.

Matt Carty seems reasonable most of the time but you alway sense he’s got a bit of a mad streak in him but I’ll stick him in at 2 or I’ll be scrabbling around all day.

That Cullinane chap seems extremely angry and volatile - he’s the sort of lad you’d expect would always end up in a fight somehow - so I’ll leave him out.

Donnach O’Laoghaire seems like a harmless enough young fella so I suppose he’d round out my top 3.

Very few would break into the Top 10 in FG. I’d give them 10’s for bluster but severely lacking in substance.

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Bruton, coveney and pathcal. Beyond that they’d be struggling

So Sinn Fein think they invented the concept of improved public health care and more public housing?

He’s certainly right about them not being fit for government.


SF are obviously fit for Government, they can’t count any better than the Duds in FFG either is all.

How long would we have to wait for a cabinet of ministers then?

It’s an ill wind that blows no good

It’s funny to see the SF IRA supporters who wanted a socialist paradise and the end of market economies struggle with the loss of personal freedom that inevitably follows the introducion of a socialist paradise.

Cc @Thomas_Brady

Eh the point is they are actually paying their taxes. Minimum wage or not, working long hours stacking shelves keeping the hearts of the people of this country just about beating and all FFG are worried about is a few zilliionaire tax exiles who couldn’t care less, fuck off

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@Thomas_Brady point was they were being taxed to the hilt. The likelihood is, many of them are outside of the tax net.


cc @Fagan_ODowd

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You are more concerned about tax dodgers than people on a low wage, paying there taxes and stacking the shelves that are keeping the nation going. Shame on you

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I find myself yawning in agreement with this

They’ve gotten a 15% pay rise and they are working 84 hour weeks, 44 hours of which are over time. You’re some cunt laying into them.

Every little helps.

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