General Election 2020 Part 2

Why do lads think Supermarket workers are among the worst paid out there?

Looks like covid might be the least of Mary lous problems

To be honest I think SF will be happy enough . They don’t go in to government after a big election particularly with a few hairshirt budgets to come

They can sit on the fence for another five years.


. If they don’t get an overall majority in next election they may as well give it up

Sinn FĂŠin ran 40 candidates. A party that runs 40 candidates has absolutely no intention of leading a government.

Meehole has just signed the death warrant for FF.

The election result for SF was surprise for them never mind FG and FF. If they had any inkling that they would have had a result like this they would have run twice as many candidates.

Anyone who says they should have run more candidates is just shit stirring. No one knew they were going to do that well.

If you offered any SFer if mid January they would have 20 seats going back they would have chewed your arm off .

Fine Gael having to go back into government in the National interest.

They would have and if you had of told any FG that Varadkar would only get elected on the 5th count they would have had ya committed.

Has he any option?


Yes but he’ll get his spell as Taoiseach. That’s more important to him then the state of the country

FG and FF step forward in the National interest while SF IRA tweet and spin.

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They ran 40 candidates and wouldn’t go into coalition with FF or FG.

How exactly were they going to give us this government of change ?

Is that not just following the wish of their voters?

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Meehole and PRadkar say before the election that they would not go into government with SF?

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Why are we dredging up this shit again.