General Election 2020 Part 2

Yes, SF were given the chance to create a government. You canā€™t say fairer than that

With one hand tied behind their back. Donā€™t be so disingenuous. FF and FG are not over the line yet, they still need a smaller party to go in with them.

They are trying to kid themselves the people didnā€™t vote for what they voted for

FFG have got to go to the independents and get something, as Kevin Keegan would say

Are you 12 ? Meehole and PRadkar :roll_eyes:

Anyway, they did indeed and Mary Lou wanted a government for change.

SF gave up trying to form a government of the left after 10 hours of talks (took 70 plus days to form a govt after the previous election).

MicheƔl and Leo at least trying to give the country a stable government


The problem is nobody trusts FF or FG.

Think the Social Democrats are the most likely of the other parties to join the coalition

They are. They have enough independent backing to see them over. Theyā€™re looking for a smaller party endorsement to give them a better shot at getting 5 years out of it.

Give us the numbers so. Tell us how Sinn Fein could have made up 81.

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By running more candidates. They had/have absolutely no intention of being in government.


Many of their candidates around the country didnā€™t even campaign.

Not a hope. Now donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m no SF lover but they got caught between 2 stools.
If they had an inkling they were anywhere close to 40 seats before the election, they would have most certainly have ran more candidates. I think they were banking around the 25 mark before the election. On that basis they didnā€™t run anymore candidates fear of splitting their own vote.

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Name them please

You keep going around in circles there. Good man

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The guy that ran in limerick county.

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Not sure if thatā€™s true but you said many of them didnā€™t canvass. You must have another 20 at least

The one that went on holidays from Kildare.

Did the conspiracy theorist in Clare canvass?

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Itā€™s true alright regarding the Limerick County candidate.

It is true. @TreatyStones @Julio_Geordio I donā€™t think the guy in Clare did either @Tassotti @Big_Dan_Campbell and Iā€™m almost certain one fella went on holidays as well.

The one in Galway only ran as a token gesture