General Election 2020 Part 2

So thatā€™s 4 of 40. Thatā€™s ten percent of their candidates that didnā€™t bother their holes to canvass.

I didnā€™t see Martin Browne either but I presume he canvassed as he had nothing else to be at

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I donā€™t believe that those 4 didnā€™t canvass. Even so 4 out of 40 is not many

SF are slating FF/G ( their words) and yet are peeved that none of them want to shack up with them . The left wing parties ( SF are not left wing ) donā€™t really want to go in to government with them or anyone . They now just have to wait their turn and if FF and FG join up they have an open prairie for a number of years . They are probably best off at this juncture .

Itā€™s ten percent thatā€™s a lot chief no matter how you dice it.

Are SF going to tell us about their revised plan for Government now after all the changes weā€™ve seen?

You donā€™t even know their names so how the fuck do you know if they canvassed or not?

SF will probably get about 60 seats next time and still find it difficult to make a coalition unless they learn to compromise

IRA/Sinn Fein donā€™t recognise the State.

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They compromise when they need to . They donā€™t NEED to go in to government in the republic .

This is true. Itā€™s only fair to point out that Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have been slating each other for 100 years but now all of a sudden their besties. Two cheeks of the one smelly arse.

They wont. Theyā€™ll be back down around the 25 mark at best. Unless ff/fg make a pure stones of it altogether. I think sf were banking on another election this year based on no agreement. The outbreak of covid put pay to that.

No chance.

SF are happy enough that their fantasy manifesto wonā€™t be getting scrutiny in Government in healthy times let alone now with things all changed. Thereā€™s no such thing as adult decisions with SF.


They arenā€™t besties : just a marriage of convenience and connivance too .

Its the end of FF.

Probably true.

Sure the violent civil war parties had 73 seats between them and neither would countenance speaking with SF. Throw in the roooral right wing independents that could only conceivably link in with their FFG bedfellows and the numbers just werenā€™t there for SF.

Iā€™d say a few of the headbangers that got elected on the national SF wave the last time wonā€™t get in next time around, but they are other constituencies where youā€™d expect them to gain a seat or second seat when they run more candidates.

All in all, they might not get much more than what they have now.

But is this all posturing from FFG anyway? Are they really going to turn GP, SD or LAB heads? Donā€™t think thereā€™s any prospect of a stable government with FFG and, say, 8-10 quarter wit independents.


You could be right .

We had Inter Party Governments with more divisions in this country.

SF and the hard left like RBB and Paul Murphy gave up because itā€™s easier to squeal from the sideline.