General Election 2020 Part 2

Madiganā€™s, Murphy and Bruton are no less. Donā€™t know much about McHugh.

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Which of the 3 parties they try to get will be the thing. If only there was a prominent fingal-based poster with connections to the upper echelons of the green party who could enlighten us as to their stance. Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Bruton is one of the most capable ministers. Heā€™s always on top of his brief and knows his shit. The rest of them can be fucked aside and replaced with brown envelopes with no loss of corporate knowledge.

Heather Humphreys must have some serious shit on someone if she is staying in cabinet.

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Hes gone stale Art. Lost interest imo

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By running enough candidates in the first place you RA Head.

They had no intention of forming a Government by running the standard & number of candidates they did. Simple as that.

FF & FG should be talking to them undoubtedly but they clearly insisted in their Election campaigns that they wouldnā€™t. Unpalatable but itā€™s exactly as they said.

SF got an excellent result but they did not win a Majority, they need to stop playing that card.


No one will want to go in currently, weā€™re looking at another election surely.

Seighan Oā€™Ceallaigh? He ran a campaign alright, was out day and night, why would you say that?

SF candidates canvassed alright, it was their HQ that lost the election though.

Sinn Feinā€™ s showing in the General Election surprised everybody. Including Sinn Fein. They obviously would have ran more candidates if they knew the surge was coming. Itā€™s disingenuous to criticise them for not forming a government now when the numbers donā€™t add up.

Cos he was talking shit

Disagree strongly.

There was evidence up to 4 weeks out that there was a wave of discontent out there against the mainstream parties.

Where SF HQ got it wrong was ignoring this and playing their hand based on Local Election results. That is as clear as day and to disagree is plain mental.

SF HQ did get it wrong. Itā€™s their job to know the surge was coming and they didnā€™t. However blaming Mary Lou now for not being able to cobble a government together is ridiculous. The numbers donā€™t add up.

Its disappointing that SF havent been able to form a Govt, the people spoke and those bastards in FFG have ignored their pleas. Shame on them all.

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: you are some man tracksuit to protect one of your own. He didnā€™t run a campaign. He done sweet fuck all.

Iā€™d find myself taking his word for it over yours considering you donā€™t know the sex of the Candidates your spreading lies about.

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Ah what? Donā€™t take my word for it. Take @Copper_pipe or any other number of the posters that mentioned it at the time.

A dreadful man for the lies. Shocking.