General Election 2020 Part 2

Do You think seighin is a woman or something?

No you tool, but the candidate in Clare was as was the lady in Kildare who went on holidays.

I’ve never voted Sinn Fein, I know of that chap because his brother was in primary school with my daughter, I met his mother in town before the election and she said that they were all up the walls, out day and night was her words and that’s what I quoted to you, why would you say he had no campaign?

So basically you heard a load of bolox and are reporting it as facts?

You’ve reported hearsay too you clowndick.

:joy::joy: sure how the fuck was I meant to know? She went on holidays whether it’s a man or a woman it doesn’t really bloody matter. If you are serious about your campaign you surely don’t go on holidays.

I had a conversation with the candidates mother whereby she explained to me that they (family) were up the walls with his campaign, sounds plausible to me, perhaps I should listen to people in the internet with an axe to grind the next time, is that what you’d recommend?

Boh lox

Why do you say that? I don’t pronounce it like that at all. It’s really weird.

FF & FG holding hands to stop SF getting into government


Yes they do.

SF and the left don’t want to form a government.

The people rejected FG and FF apparently but they’re the only ones making moves to form a government.

Sinn Fein tried for about ten hours. They’ll lose plenty of seats next time around.

They should have walked away, they werent wanted. How dare they try to govern.

You aren’t wanted around here and it hasn’t stopped you posting here for ten years.

I do my own thing. I’m zen.

They probably won’t sadly, because they have not had to put their fantasy manifesto to the test in good economic times, let alone the crisis we face right now.

There are enough people out there voting who refuse to take a reasonable look at the responsibility of government and compromise. Half the lads here shilling for SF would have been Labour voters 10 years ago.

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I’d be very surprised if they didn’t. They got a protest vote last time. People were so fed up. That’s changed now.

We are heading into uncertain economic times, how the next government comes out of it is a huge open question.

A lot of people are just happy to be alive. Enjoy your day Tim.